Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Nebraska College Preparatory Academy Senior Capstone Project, Spring 2022


Copyright © 2022 Marcos De La Torre


Climate change is rapidly increasing. With the car industry being one of the biggest proprietors, how to best use non-renewable resources? should be at the forefront of our thought process. Most street and industrial vehicles use the non-renewable resource of gasoline as fuel, the burning of gasoline raises the amount of green house gases in the atmosphere causing global warming to increase. The three vehicles discussed in this research are hybrid, electric, and conventional combustion. The questions being asked are, what are the ways these three different types of vehicles affect the environment and which one is the best for today and for the future?, Where their fuel comes from and how they are manufactured are overlooked when looking into which vehicle is the most efficient, that’s what could give the lead to the car of the future.Climate change is becoming an insurmountable task for the world to overcome and this research hopes to make a difference.
