Nebraska LTAP


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Reid, J.D., Bielenberg, R.W., and Ginger, C. (2017). "LS-DYNA® Modeling Enhancement Support". NDOT Research Report TRP-03-357-17.


The Pooled Fund Program member states provided funding for LS-DYNA modeling enhancements in Years 17 thru 22 (2006-2011), with a project period of 2006-2016. This report documents many of the modeling issues addressed throughout the project period. The funding has been effectively utilized to advance the current state-of-the-art for computer simulation and has provided the following benefits for the entire industry: (1) improved roadside safety hardware, (2) reduced development time and cost, (3) improved understanding of the behavior of roadside safety features, especially for impacts outside of normal crash test conditions, (4) improved LS-DYNA modeling techniques and procedures, and (5) improved confidence in modeling.
