"Spring Field Report, March 2010 to May 2010" by W. Ross Silcock

Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



“Spring Field Report, March 2010 to May 2010” from Nebraska Bird Review (June 2010) 78(2).


Copyright 2010 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


There was much of interest this spring. Early and late dates, early breeding, even a few rarities, are scattered through the species accounts. A few highlights are mentioned here. Mark Brogie found 6 species of Gallinaceous birds in one hour in Knox Co—quite a feat. Glossy Ibis reports continue to increase, and Mississippi Kites were found in new areas. Cranes made news: a leucistic Sandhill, another Common, and good numbers of Whoopings. Piping Plovers may be spreading out a bit, given the disappearance of the expanses of sand at L McConaughy, and amazing finds are being made by the team studying Mountain Plovers in Kimball County. Several shorebird species made a huge push 30 Apr: check out the accounts, beginning with American Avocet. The shorebird star had to be Bailey, the transmitter-wearing Long-billed Curlew, who made a rapid transit from wintering to summering grounds. Not far behind was XN, a banded Hudsonian Godwit seen on Chiloe Island, Chile, and next in Dakota Co, Nebraska. Black-billed Magpies have been hit hard in recent years and their progress is mixed, but Carolina Wrens took a beating last winter. A few survived, however, and we will watch their progress. A Bewick's Wren was a rarity in the southwest, but there was no doubt that the top rarity for the season was the Hermit Warbler photographed at Crescent L NWR; it was Nebraska's second. Additional rare Parulids found were Pine and Hooded Warblers. An amazing find, for the second year in a row, was singing Baird's Sparrows, seemingly acting territorially, in extreme northeast Sioux County. It will be interesting to see if they remain into summer.
