"Summer Field Report, June–July 2010" by W. Ross Silcock

Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



“Summer Field Report, June–July 2010” from Nebraska Bird Review (September 2010) 78(3).


Copyright 2010 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


This summer was marked by continuing high water tables along the Missouri River and good water levels in the eastern Rainwater Basin. As a result, American and Least Bitterns, King Rail, Common Moorhen, and several American Coot nests in Sarpy Co were reported. However, Great and Snowy Egrets were scarce, and Black-necked Stilts were absent from the eastern Rainwater Basin after several good breeding years there.

First breeding records for the state are always exciting; Lesser Goldfinch finally took the plunge this year in Banner Co. Also encouraging were increased reports of Black-billed Cuckoo (9) and both Black-billed Magpie and Black-capped Chickadee. Mountain Plovers are present in southwest Kimball Co in surprising numbers, with excellent conservation work being done there. The group responsible for the effort has an excellent Facebook site (see species account). Significant breeding records were made for Burrowing Owl, Long-eared Owl, and Brewer's Blackbird.

Strangely, three species of migrant warblers were found in midsummer: Orange-crowned, Nashville, and Blackburnian, as well as a late June White-crowned Sparrow. Dickcissels again made a good showing in the west. Other eastern birds far west included Eastern Wood-Pewee and Summer Tanager. On the other hand, the earliest ever Rufous Hummingbird in the eastern part of the state was in Lincoln. True rarities were few: a Black-bellied Whistling-Duck and a summer American Black Duck were probably the best.
