Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



“Notes,” from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1985) 53(4).


Copyright 1985 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


FILLMORE COUNTY. On 23 June 1985, while I was atlasing block #IF01 in Fillmore County, just north of Shickley, I saw a Common Moorhen in Weis Lagoon and found a nest with 11 eggs. There was also a very large colony of Black-crowned Night-Herons [and] also a colony of Great-tailed Grackles.—William C. Garthright, Lincoln

RED-NECKED GREBE. On 16 June 1985 1 was wading through some cattails at the edge of a small open area in a pond at the North 27th Street marsh when I came upon a grebe sitting in the open on the water.—William C. Garthright, Lincoln

IBIS IDENTIFICATION. On 23 May 1985 I got a report of an apparent Glossy Ibis in Antelope County, 2 m. west of Oakdale. . . . I correctly identified the bird as a White-faced Ibis.—Wayne Mollhoff, Albion

THOSE SIBERIAN GEESE. Those interested in the Bean Goose sighting may want to read “Bean Goose in the Midlands” by Barbara Wilson in Iowa Bird Life 55:83.

WHOOPING CRANES. The Fish and Wildlife Service, Pierre, SD, in its release on spring sightings of Whooping Cranes, said: “A number of birds were held up briefly in Nebraska by adverse weather and wind over the Easter weekend, allowing for a number of sightings in Nebraska.”

FLEDGLING LONG-BILLED CURLEWS IN SHERIDAN COUNTY. On 7 June 1985 Barbara Wilson, of Hastings, Iowa, and I were conducting a census on a Breeding Bird Atlas Block in Sheridan County, about one mile north of Lakeside. We spotted two very young Long-billed Curlews in the grass.—Tanya Bray, Omaha

GROOVE-BILLED ANI. On 22 September 1985 I heard the local birds really scolding and they seemed quite agitated, so I walked to the window to see what was wrong. I noted there was a large black bird on the honeysuckle bush.—Maysel Kiser, Plattsmouth

DUNDY COUNTY. The Rock Creek Hatchery and adjacent lake recreation area , near Parks, Dundy County, is a real oasis. On 31 May 1985 I found pure males of both Baltimore and Bullock’s Orioles, plus well-marked hybrids.—Wayne J. Mollhoff, Albion

CINNAMON TEAL NEST AT CRESCENT LAKE NWR. On 24 May 1984 Mark Koepsel and I were nest dragging with a cable pulled between two vehicles when we flushed a Cinnamon Teal.—Mark J. Helsinger, Crescent Lake NWR

COOPER’S HAWK NESTS. Free Flight (Raptor Recovery Center, Lincoln) 1:3 has an article by R. Linderholm and J. Wright about Cooper’s Hawk nesting sites in southwest Nebraska. Since 1980 they have located five Cooper’s Hawk nesting sites in a five by eight mile area by Strunk Reservoir.

COMMON SNIPE. In late May of 1983 Kevin J. Brennan flushed a Common Snipe from a nest with 4 eggs. The nest was north of Gimlet Lake on the east side of Quarters 2, Crescent Lake NWR, Garden County.—Mark J. Helsinger, Crescent Lake NWR

FLEDGLING WILSON’S PHALAROPES. At 9 AM on 13 June 1985, Bill White and three other employees of the Game Commission discovered two Wilson’s Phalarope fledglings at 98th St. and Ashland Road, Lancaster County.—William Garthright, Lincoln

CHEYENNE COUNTY. On 18 November 1984 I noticed a Robin still hanging around our farmyard, and today (6 December) he can still be spotted. Now for the rare bird in this area: on 25 November I spotted a Townsend’s Solitaire flying into a grove of trees from the road.—Galen Wittrock, Lodgepole

RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD. I had a female Rufous Hummingbird from the morning of 10 November 1985 to the morning of 17 November.—Arthur V. Douglas, Bellevue

VARIED THRUSH. I had a male Varied Thrush in my backyard 24 November 1984.—Doug G. Thomas, Alliance

WAXWINGS. I had a large flock of Cedar and Bohemian Waxwings on 1, 2, and 3 February 1985.—Zee Uridil, Chadron

MCCOWN’S LONGSPUR NEST IN SIOUX COUNTY. On 9 June 1985 Barbara Wilson, of Hastings, Iowa, and I were birding on the shortgrass prairie southwest of Harrison, very near the Wyoming border. When we arrived at the site, Ed and Mark Brogie were studying a female longspur. . . . As we were walking away a male McCown’s Longspur flew in and began singing his flight song.—Tanya Bray, Omaha

SMITH’S LONGSPURS. Around 9:30 AM 2 September 1984 I saw about 15 Smith’s Longspurs at a rest stop on US 385, about 17 miles south of Alliance, just inside Morrill County.—Doug Thomas, Alliance

EARLY PINE SISKIN EGG. For four weeks I had observed Pine Siskins in fervent display in southwest Omaha, and had for some time suspected them of nesting, when on 21 March 1985 I collected an egg that had fallen to the sidewalk. The specimen is deposited in the State Museum in Lincoln.—Rick Wright, Princeton, NJ
