Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"Additions to 1982 Occurrence Reports," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1983) 51(2).


Copyright 1983, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.



Information on sightings at the North Platte NWR in 1982 provide some additions to the species reported in the Scotts Bluff column, and some expansion of the dates, for both spring and fall reports, and some additions to the state list for the fall report. The North Platte NWR information has been included in the Scotts Bluff column for the last few years. Sherry McCoy was the reporter, and Kevin Brenner, Dan Walsworth, Jim McCole and Mike McCoy were the additional observers.

Spring 1982. The additional species reported were: Common Loon, Ap 16; American White Pelican, Ap lO-My 5; Ruddy Duck, Ap lO-Je 16; Greater Yellowlegs, Ap 16; Spotted Sandpiper, My 5-My 15; Willet, Ap 16; Tree Swallow, Ap 10; White-breasted Nuthatch, Mr 5; Eastern Meadowlark, Ap 10. The expanded dates are shown as Mo x - for an earlier date, - Mo x for a later date, and Mo x - Mo x when both are changed: Horned Grebe, Ap 1O-Je3;EaredGrebe, Ap lO-Je 30; Western Grebe Ap 10-Je 30; Double-crested Cormorant, Ap 10; Black-crowned Night Heron, My S-Je 16; Canada Goose, W-; Wood Duck -Je 30; Green-winged Teal, -Ap 22; Blue-winged Teal, Ap 10-; Northern Shoveler, -Je3; Gadwall, Mr SoAp 22; American Wigeon, My 5; Canvasback, Mr SoAp 22; Redhead, Mr S-Je 3; Common Goldeneye, -Mr 20; Bufflehead, Mr 5-; American Coot, Ap 10-Je 30; Long-billed Curlew, My 1-Je 3; Marbled Godwit, Ap 16-; Baird's Sandpiper, My 1-; Long-billed Dowitcher, Ap 16-; Franklin's Gull, Ap 16-S; Herring Gull,Ap 22; Mourning Dove, Mr 20-; Western Kingbird, Ap 16-; American Tree Sparrow, -My 5; Claycolored Sparrow, My 1-; Dark-eyed Junco, -My 30. The total number of species reported for Scotts Bluff is increased to 153.
