Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
"Notes," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1983) 51(2).
SANDHILL CRANE TRIP. About 30 or so went out to the blind on the Mormon Island Crane Meadows before dawn on 2 April. But not enough before dawn to allow the last of the party to see the Sandhill Cranes before they took off from their roost in the river. But all could see in the sky the huge flocks that took off from other sections of the river. Some went back to the blind before the Cranes came in to roost that night and got to see them settle in for the night. Many other birds were seen from the blind and in trips over the surrounding country, but there was no effort to compile a list of what was seen.
Copyright 1983, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.