Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education


Date of this Version



Poster presented at College of Education and Human Sciences Student Research Conference, November 9, 2013.


Copyright (c) 2013 Elisha Hall, Julie Albrecht, Weiwen Chai, Alyssa Vierregger, Johnna Hall, & Wanda Koszewski,


Background: Childhood obesity has increased over the past two decades, causing numerous complications. Currently, there is no required standardized curriculum for nutrition/physical activity in the United States. The objective of the current study is to examine the effects of a three-week, social cognitive theory-based nutrition/physical activity curricula on changes of behaviors among 5th grade students.

Methods: This study will be conducted in Lincoln Public Schools, involving three phases:
Phase 1: A Social Cognitive Theory based survey measuring behavior change, knowledge, self-efficacy, and environment will be developed and validated using eight nutrition experts. The survey will be pilot tested with a fifth grade class from a Lincoln parochial school never exposed to the curricula.
Phase 2: The validated and tested surveys will be distributed in four Title I (intervention) and four non-Title I (control) schools that have been randomly selected (sample size ~ 800-1000 fifth grade students). Surveys will be analyzed using SPSS and results will be used to assess the current curricula and recommend changes for Phase 3.
Phase 3: The current curricula will be modified or new curricula will be developed and then piloted. Implications: Survey results would identify if the current nutrition/physical activity curricula is effective for positive behavior change. In addition, areas to improve the curricula will be identified to enhance positive nutrition and physical activity education and behavior change.
