"Bullying Prevention in Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports: A Review" by Allen Garcia and Regina M. Oliver

Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education


Date of this Version

Fall 12-17-2013


Garcia, A., & Oliver, R. M. Bullying prevention in school-wide positive behavior supports: A review of the literature. Poster presented at the College of Education and Human Resources Student Research Conference in Lincoln, NE.


Copyright (c) 2013 Allen G. Garcia and Regina M. Oliver


The literature has suggested that problem behavior in the schools is an ongoing problem (Sugai et. al., 2000). This is a major concern for schools that want to provide a safe learning environment that promotes positive behaviors and academic learning. Such problem requires a systematic response, thus, School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) was created to target and prevent problem behaviors. Another form of problem behaviors in schools is bullying, and within the framework of SW-PBIS, there is limited research on targeting bullying. The current review examines and evaluates current research of SW-PBIS, and it’s application to bullying. Searches of relevant databases were conducted and of the 23 studies that were identified, 14 were included in the inclusion criteria. The research suggested there are limitations within SW-PBIS and it’s applicability for also preventing bullying behaviors too. The review will discuss implications for practice and potential avenues for future research.
