Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education


Date of this Version


Document Type



The Nebraska Educator 1 (2014), pp. 101-115.


Copyright © 2014 University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Finding the connection between art and teaching can be a difficult task for pre-service teachers who do not have a background in the arts. This qualitative case study explores the journey of a group of pre-service elementary teachers in an art methods course considering what it means to teach and to be an artist. The way in which these students defined the arts and teaching changed over the course of the semester and found connective threads, productively tying together the work of teaching and the creative process. Findings from pre-service teacher course work indicated three important themes: connections between art and teaching, finding connections to self, and becoming a teacher. Data revealed implications for pre-service teachers making productive connections, beginning to see them-selves as capable, creative teachers, able to encourage the creativity of their future students. Practicing teachers and teacher educators are also implicated as art and teaching find authentic connections throughout an art methods course.
