Law, College of


Nebraska Law Bulletin (Selected Issues)

Date of this Version


Document Type



Nebraska Law Bulletin (January 7, 2022)


Copyright 2022, the author


COVID-19 is one of the greatest health crises of our time. While increased attention on the adverse individual and population-level effects of the pandemic for incarcerated people has motivated reforms and stimulated scholarly attention on carceral policies as health policies, this is only a first step. In this moment of heightened public consciousness around racism and health across all our public systems, this essay highlights the need for broader, health-justice-centered approaches to mass incarceration along the entire continuum. As new legal reforms emerge in this moment, we challenge the public health law community to work alongside racial justice, economic justice, and criminal justice advocates to expand the vision of health equity. The prevalence, impacts, and inequities of mass incarceration are clear, and the only question is: what will we do next?

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