Nutrition and Health Sciences, Department of


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A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Nutrition and Health Sciences, Under the Supervision of Professor Julie A. Albrecht. Lincoln, Nebraska: December 2013

Copyright (c) 2013 Kristine M. Foley


The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a culturally appropriate food safety educational program using the conceptual change teaching method while preparing a meal. The food safety educational program was based on the FightBac!™ concepts (CLEAN, SEPARATE, COOK AND CHILL). Quantitative and qualitative date were collected, compared, and analyzed. Two pilot studies were conducted with Native American participants on non-reservation sites in Omaha and Lincoln. A total of 27 participants completed a pre and post knowledge survey and were video recorded preparing a meal. The majority of the participants were female (78%), had at least a high school education or GED, and were unemployed. The educational component of the program started with an introduction and discussion. Next, participants formed groups of 3-4 and prepared a meal to implement food safety practices learned. Participants increased their washing hands knowledge (33.3% to 51.9%). When participants were asked “after you have used a cutting board to slice raw meat, chicken, or fish and need to cut other foods, which of these is the best way to prevent food poisoning?” an increase in knowledge was found (77.8% to 97.6%, p=0.0002). However, when asked about cleaning cutting boards when coming into contact with raw meats, a decrease in knowledge was found (77.8% to 51.86%). From video observations, the participants washed their hands prior to food preparation. However, this was the only time participants were observed washing their hands. Many of the participants wiped the counter tops and cutting boards with disinfectant wipes. To ensure doneness of the chicken, most participants used a food thermometer. The educational program was well perceived by the Native American participants at both non-reservation sites. However, this may not be indicative of the Native American population on reservations.

Adviser: Julie A. Albrecht

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