Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version

September 2005

Document Type

Book Chapter


Copyright ©2005 Armand R. Maggenti and Scott Gardner.


sabulose sabulous sac saccate saccharobiose sacciform saccule saccus sacoglossa saddle Saefftigen's sagittae sagittocysts saliva salivarium salivary saltation Saltatoria saltatory saltigrade sanguinivorous sanidasters sapphirine saprobe saprobiont saprobiotic saprophagous saprophyte saprozite saprozoic saprozoite sarcobelum sarcode sarcolemma sarcolysis sarcomere sarcomeric sarcophagous sarcoplasm sarcoplasmic sarcosomes sarcostyle sarcotheca sarothrum saxicavous saxicolous scabellum scabrous scalariform scalaroid scalids scalpellum scalpriform scansorial scape scaphe scaphiform scaphium scaphocerite scaphognathite scaphoid Scaphopoda scapula scapus scarabaeiform scarabaeoid scarified scariose scatophagous scavenger scent sceptrules schemochrome schistosomula schizeckenosy schizocele schizochroal schizocoel schizodont schizogamy schizogenesis schizolophe schizopeltid schizopod schizorhyses Schmidt's Schwann scissorial scissure sclerification sclerite scleroblasts sclerocyte sclerophagous sclerosepta sclerotic scoleces scolecid scoleciform scolecoid scolex scoli scolopale scoloparium scolophore scolopidium scolopoid scolopophore scolopophorus scolops scolus scolytoid scopa scopiform scopula scopules scopuliferous scopuliform scopulipedes scotopic scrobe scrobicula scrobicules scrobis scrotal scrotiform scrotum scuta scutel scutella scutellum scutiform scutigerous scutoscutellar scutulis scutum scyphistoma scyphomedusae Scyphozoa sebaceous sebific secereneteans Secernentea secretion secretory section sectorial secund secundibracts securiform sedentary seductor seed segment segmental segmentation segregation sejugal selection selenaster seleniform selenizone self-cleansing self-fertilization selfing self-sedimentation sellate seller selva selvage sematic sematophore semelparity semelparous semiaquatic semidominant semifenestra semigeographic semilunar seminal semination semiochemical semipupa semisocial Semper senescence senility sensilla sensillium sensitization sensorium sensory senti sentus septa septalial septalium septasternum septate septiform septula septulum septum sere serial sericate sericin sericose sericterium serictery serific serology serosa serotinal serous serpentinous serra serrate serration serratulate serriform serrula serum sesquiocellus sessile sessoblast seston seta setaceous setae setal setate setiferous setiform setigenous setiger setigeris setigerous setireme setula setule setules setulose sex sex-limited sex-linked sexprostatic sexradiate sexthecal sexual sexuales sexupara shaft shagreened sheath shelf shell shield shoulder shovel sibling Siebold's sieve sigilla sigillum sigma sigmaspires sigmoid signum silicalemma siliceous silicious silicoblasts siliquiform silk silvan silvatic silvicolous sinciput sinistral sinistron sinistrorse sinuate sinuatolobate sinuosity sinupalliate sinus siphon siphonal siphonoglyph siphonoplax siphonostomatous siphonozooid siphons siphuncle Siphuncula sipunculans sipunculids sistentes sitophore sitopore situs skeletal skeleton skin skototaxis slavery slime slit slope snout social society socii sociobiology sociotomy socket sodium soldiers solenia solenidion soleniform solenocyte solenomerite solenophage solid solitaria solitary solute soma somatic somatoblast somatocoel somatocyst somatoderm somato-esophageal somato-intestinal somatome somatoplasm somatopleure somatotheca somite sonication sonifaction sordid sorotrochous spadix spado spanandry spanogamy spanogyny sparganum spat spatfall spatha spathulate spatula spear specialization speciation species specific specificity specophile spectra spectrum specular speculum sperm spermaduct spermagonium spermalege spermarium spermary spermatangium spermateleosis spermatheca spermathecal spermatid spermatocyst spermatocyte spermatodactyl spermatogenesis spermatogonial spermatogonium spermatolophis spermatophore spermatophory spermatophragma spermatopositor spermatotheca spermatozeugma spermatozoon spermiducal spermiogenesis spermoduct spermora sphaeridium sphaeroclone sphecology sphecophile sphenoid spherasters spheres spherocyte spheroidocyte spherula spherule spherulocyte sphincter sphingiform sphragis spicate spiciform spicula spicule spiculiferous spiculiform spiculose spiculum spigots spiked-tail spina spinasternum spinate spination spindle spine spiniform spiniger spinigerous spinneret spinning spinose spinous spinulate spinule spinulifer spinulose spinulous spiracle spiraculiform spiral spiralia spiralium spiramen spirasters spire spirignath spiritrompe spirocyst spirogyrate spiroid spirolophe splanchnic splanchnopleure splendent splicing spoile spondylium sponge spongicolous spongiform spongin spongioblasts spongiocoel spongioplasm spongiose spongocoel spongocyte spontaneous spoon sporadic sporoblast sporocyst sporogony sporont sporosac sporozoite spout spraing spur spurious squama squamiform squamose squamous squamul squamulate squamulose squarrose squat stabilamentum stabilimentum stadia stadium stalk staphyla staphylae stase stasis stasoid statary static statis statistical statoblast statocone statocyst statocyte statolith statorhabd stauractine stegasimous stellate stelliform stelocyttarous stem stemapod stemma stemmata stenobathic stenobenthic stenocephalous stenogamous stenogastric stenoglossate stenohaline stenohygric Stenolaemata stenomorphic stenonoty stenophagous stenopodium stenopterous stenosaline stenosis stenotele stenothermal stenotopic stenovalent stenoxenous steppe stercoral stereoblastula stereogastrula stereoisomer stereokinesis stereom(e) stereotactic stereotaxis stereotropic sterile sterinx sterna sternacosta sternal sternannum sternapophysis sternaulus sternellar sternellum sternite sternopleural sternopleurite sternopleuron sternum sterols sterrasters sterrula stethidium stethosoma Stewart's stichic stichocyte stichosome sticklac stigma stigmata stigmatal stigmatic stigmatiferous stigmergy stimulus sting stipe stipiform stipital stipple Stobbe's stock stolon stolonate stoloniferan stoma stomach stomatodaeum stomatogastric stomatostyle stomatostylet stomatotheca stomoblastula stomocnide stomodaeum stomodeal stomodeum stomogastric storage strahl straight-hinge strangulated strata stratification stratum strepsilaematous streptasters streptoneury stria striation stricture stridulating stridulation striga strigate strigil strigilation strigilator strigose strigula strike string striola stripe strobila strobilation strobilization strobilocercoid strobilocercus stroma stromata strombiform stromboid strongylaster strongyle strongyloxea strophe struma strumose stupeous stupulose stylamblys stylate stylet styletocytes styli styliferous styliger stylocerite styloconic styloconicum stylode styloid stylopization stylose stylostome stylote stylus subalar subalternate subanal subantennal subapical subapotorma subapterous subassociation subbasal subbiramous subbranchial subcapitular subcarina subcarinate subcastes subcellular subcephalic subcerebral subchela subchelate subclass subclimax subclypeal subcolony subcosta subcoxa subcutical subdentate subdiscal subdiscoidal subdorsal subesophageal subfamily subfossorial subgalea subgenal subgenera subgeneric subgenital subgenual subgenus subhepatic subi¬maginal subimago subjective subliminal sublingual sublittoral submalleate submargin submedia submedian submental submentapleural submentum subneural subocular suboesophageal suborbital subphylum subquadrangle subradular subrostrum subscaphium subscutellum subsocial subsocies subspecies substrate substratum subtegular subtegulum subtorma subtriangle subtribe subtylostyle subulate subumbrella subventral subvibrissal succession succursal sucker suctorial suffusion sugent sugescent sulcate sulcation sulci sulciform sulculus sulcus superclass superfamily superfemale superficial supergenus superior superlinguae supermale supernumerary supero-marginal superoptimal superorder superorganism superposed superposition supersedure superspecies supertribe supra-alar supra-anal supra-apical suprabranchial supracerebral supracheliceral supraclypeal supraesophageal supraneural supraneuston supraorbital supraspecific suprasquamal supratidal supratympanal suranal surpedal surstyli suspensor suspensory sustentacular sustentor sustentator sutural suture swarming swimmeret swimming sycon sylleibid sylvan sylvatic symbiology symbiosis symbiote symmetical symmetry sympathetic sympatric sympatry symphile symphilous symphily symphynote symphysis symplesiomorphy sympod symptomatology synanthropism synapomorphy synapse synapsis synaptene synaptic synaptinemal synaptorhabdic synaptychus syncerebrum synchronic synchronizer synclerobiosis synconoid syncyte syncytia syndesis syndiacony syndrome synecete synechthran synechthry synecology synectic synergism synergistic syngamy syngenesis syngenic syngonic synhaploid synhesmia synistate synizesis synkaryon synlophe synoecious synoecius synoecy synoekete synoenocytes synomone synonymy synopsis synoptic synscleritous syntagma syntelic synthesis synthetic synthorax syntrophy syntype syntypic synxenic synzoea syringe syringium system systematics systematist systole syzygy
