Panhandle Research and Extension Center | Agricultural Research Division of IANR | University of Nebraska - Lincoln




Assessing the toxicity of selected pesticides to Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) pupae as a first step in the development of a potential novel deployment programme, Jeffrey D. Cluever, Clint W. Beiermann, Nevin C. Lawrence, and Jeff Bradshaw


The effects of elevation and soaking conditions on dry bean cooking time, Chelsea Didinger, Karen Cichy, Carlos Urrea, Madalyn Scanlan, and Henry Thompson


Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Tolerant and Sensitive Genotypes of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Response to Terminal Drought Stress, Mayavan Subramani, Carlos Urrea, Rasheed Habib, Ketaki Bhide, Jyothi Thimmapuram, and Venu Kalavacharla


Effect of osmotic potential and temperature on germination of kochia (Bassia scoparia) populations from the U.S. Great Plains, Ramawatar Yadav, Prashant Jha, Andrew R. Kniss, Nevin C. Lawrence, and Gustavo M. Sbatella



The Quest to Identify a New Virus Disease of Sunflower from Nebraska, Robert M. Harveson, Maher Al Rwahnih, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Alex Karasev, Tom J. Gulya, and Jeff Bradshaw


Comparative Analysis of UntargetedMetabolomics in Tolerant and Sensitive Genotypes of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Seeds Exposed to Terminal Drought Stress, Mayavan Subramani, Carlos Urrea, and Venu Kalavacharla



Utilizing digital image processing and two‑source energy balance model for the estimation of evapotranspiration of dry edible beans in western Nebraska, Wei‑zhen Liang, Isabella Possignolo, Xin Qiao, Kendall DeJonge, Suat Irkmak, Derek M. Heeren, and Daran Rudnick


CO2 biocapture by Scenedesmus sp. grown in industrial wastewater, Itzel Y. López-Pacheco, Eduardo Israel Castillo-Vacas, Lizbeth Castañeda-Hernández, Angie Gradiz-Menjivar, Laura Isabel Rodas-Zuluaga, Carlos Castillo-Zacarías, Juan Eduardo Sosa-Hernández, Damià Barceló, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal, and Roberto Parra-Saldívar


Seed coat color genetics and genotype × environment effects in yellow beans via machine-learning and genome-wide association, Rie Sadohara, Yunfei Long, Paulo Izquierdo, Carlos Urrea, Daniel Morris, and Karen Cichy



Agronomic Utilization of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate—Effect of PCC on Sugar Beet Root Aphid Control and Herbicide Dose Response of Kochia Grown on PCC Piles, Murali Darapuneni, Gary W. Hergert, Jeff Bradshaw, Robert Wilson, Abdul Aqeel, Robert Harveson, Rex Nielsen, and Leonard Lauriault


Soil chemical properties after 12 years of tillage and crop rotation, Maysoon M. Mikha, Gary Hergert, Xin Qiao, and Bijesh Maharjan


Economics of herbicide programs for weed control in conventional, glufosinate, and dicamba/glyphosate-resistant soybean across Nebraska, Adam M. Striegel, Kent M. Eskridge, Nevin C. Lawrence, Stevan Knezevic, Greg R. Kruger, Christopher A. Proctor, Gary Hein, and Amit J. Jhala



Engagement to Enhance Community: An Example of Extension’s Land-Grant Mission in Action, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel, Jason L. Weigle, and Jennifer Hawkins


Soil Fauna Accelerate Dung Pat Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling into Grassland Soil, Kenneth S. Evans, Martha Mamo, Ana Wingeyer, Walter Schacht, Kent Eskridge, Jeff Bradshaw, and Daniel Ginting



Inheritance of resistance to common bacterial blight in four selected common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes, Boris M. E. Alladassi, Stanley T. Nkalubo, Clare Mukankusi, Eric S. Mwale, Paul Gibson, Richard Edema, Carlos A. Urrea, James D. Kelly, and Patrick R. Rubaihayo


Phenotypic Diversity for Seed Mineral Concentration in North American Dry Bean Germplasm of Middle American Ancestry, Phillip E. McClean, Samira Mafi Moghaddam, Ana-Flor Lopéz-Millán, Mark A. Brick, James D. Kelly, Phillip N. Miklas, Juan M. Osorno, Timothy G. Porch, Carlos A. Urrea, Ali Soltani, and Michael A. Grusak


Pinto Bean Cultivars Blackfoot, Nez Perce, and Twin Falls, Shree P. Singh, Phillip N. Miklas, Mark A. Brick, Howard F. Schwartz, Carlos A. Urrea, Henry Terán, Carlos Centeno, Barry Ogg, Kristen Otto, and Alvaro Soler


Do Movement Patterns of GPS-Tracked Cattle on Extensive Rangelands Suggest Independence among Individuals?, Mitchell B. Stephenson and Derek W. Bailey


Registration of ‘New Hope’ Chickpea Cultivar with Enhanced Resistance to Ascochyta Blight, Carlos A. Urrea, Fred J. Muehlbauer, and Robert M. Harveson



Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Candidate Loci Underlying Agronomic Traits in a Middle American Diversity Panel of Common Bean, Samira Mafi Moghaddam, Sujan Mamidi, Juan M. Osorno, Rian Lee, Mark A. Brick, James Kelly, Phillip N. Miklas, Carlos A. Urrea, Qijian Song, Perry B. Cregan, Jane Grimwood, Jeremy Schmutz, and Phillip E. McClean


Growing Potato Profitably for Organic Dry Matter Production in Western Nebraska, Alexander Pavlista and Jessica J. Groskopf


Relationship of Soil Moisture and Reflected GPS Signal Strength, Charles V. Privette III, Ahmad Khalilian, William Bridges, Stephen Katzberg, Omar Torres, Young J. Han, Joe Mari Maja, and Xin Qiao


Evaluating Reflected GPS Signal as a Potential Tool for Cotton Irrigation Scheduling, Xin Qiao, Ahmad Khalilian, Jose O. Payero, Joe Mari Maja, Charles V. Privette III, and Young J. Han


Petroleum Pipelines—Facts and Safety, Steven S. Sibray and Douglas R. Hallum


Selective Phenotyping Traits Related to Multiple Stress and Drought Response in Dry Bean, Jennifer J. Trapp, Carlos A. Urrea, Jianfeng Zhou, Lav R. Khot, Sindhu Sankaran, and Phillip N. Miklas



Phenotypic Diversity of Puccinia helianthi (Sunflower Rust) in the United States from 2011 and 2012, Andrew J. Friskop, Thomas J. Gulya, R. M. Harveson, Ryan M. Humann, Maricelis Acevedo, and Samuel G. Markell


Bacteria Wilt of Dry-Edible Beans in the Central High Plains of the U.S.: Past, Present, and Future, R. M. Harveson, Howard F. Schwartz, Carlos A. Urrea, and C. Dean Yonts


Cover Crop Effect on Subsequent Wheat Yield in the Central Great Plains, David C. Nielsen, Drew J. Lyon, Robert K. Higgins, Gary W. Hergert, Johnathon D. Holman, and Merle F. Vigil


Quantitative Trait Loci for Yield under Multiple Stress and Drought Conditions in a Dry Bean Population, Jennifer J. Trapp, Carlos A. Urrea, Perry B. Cregan, and Phillip N. Miklas


Evaluation of Rhizoctonia zeae as a potential biological control option for fungal root diseases of sugar beet, K M. Webb, R. M. Harveson, and M S. West



Erratum to ‘‘Associations of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Fatness with Metabolic Syndrome in Rural Women with Prehypertension’’, Patricia A. Hageman, Carol H. Pullen, Melody Hertzog, Linda Boeckner, and Susan Noble Walker


Utilizing a Preplant Soil Test for Predicting and Estimating Root Rot Severity in Sugar Beet in the Central High Plains of the United States, R. M. Harveson, K. A. Nielsen, and Kent M. Eskridge


Identification of Sources of Bacterial Wilt Resistance in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), Carlos A. Urrea and R. M. Harveson


Edible Grain Legumes, George J. Vandemark, Mark A. Brick, Juan M. Osorno, James D. Kelly, and Carlos A. Urrea


Characterization of Management and Environmental Factors Associated with Regional Variations in Potato Zebra Chip Occurrence, F. Workneh, D. C. Henne, J. A. Goolsby, J. M. Crosslin, S. D. Whipple, J. D. Bradshaw, A. Rashed, L. Paetzold, R. M. Harveson, and C. M. Rush



Pinto Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a Functional Food: Implications on Human Health, Cristiane R. S. Câmara, Carlos A. Urrea, and Vicki Schlegel


First Evidence of a Binucleate Rhizoctonia as the Casual Agent of Dry Rot Canker of Sugar Beet in Nebraska, R. M. Harveson and M. D. Bolton


Ascochyta Blight of Chickpeas in Nebraska, Robert M. Harveson and Carlos A. Urrea


Bioassay of Winter Wheat for Gibberellic Acid Sensitivity, Alexander Pavlista, Dipak Santra, and David D. Baltensperger


Identification of sources of resistance to damping-off and early root/hypocotyl damage from Rhizoctonia solani in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), P. A. Peña; James R, Steadman; Kent M. Eskridge; and Carlos A. Urrea


Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) fermentation for fuel ethanol production, Devin J. Rose and Dipak Santra


Simulated yield and profitability of five potential crops for intensifying the dryland wheat-fallow production system, S. A. Saseendran, David C. Nielsen, L.R. Ahuja, L. Ma, and Drew J. Lyon



First Report of Ascochyta Blight Caused by QoI-Resistant Isolates of Ascochyta rabiei in Chickpea Fields of Nebraska and South Dakota, J. A. Delgado, R. S. Goswami, R. M. Harveson, Carlos A. Urrea, D. Beran, and S. G. Markell


Associations of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Fatness with Metabolic Syndrome in Rural Women with Prehypertension, Patricia A. Hageman, Carol H. Pullen, Melody Hertzog, Linda Boeckner, and Susan Noble Walker


Associations of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Fatness with Metabolic Syndrome in RuralWomen with Prehypertension, Patricia A. Hageman, Carol H. Pullen, Melody Hertzog, Linda Boeckner, and Susan Noble Walker


Research achievements and adoption of no-till, dryland cropping in the semi-arid U.S. Great Plains, Neil Hansen, Brett Allen, R. Louis Baumhardt, and Drew J. Lyon


Research achievements and adoption of no-till, dryland cropping in the semi-arid U.S. Great Plains, Neil C. Hansen, Brett L. Allen, R. Louis Baumhardt, and Drew J. Lyon


Nitrogen fertility in semiarid dryland wheat production is challenging for beginning organic farmers, Drew J. Lyon and Gary W. Hergert


Comparative growth of spring-planted canola, brown mustard and camelina, A. D. Pavlista; D. D. Baltensperger; T. A. Isbell; and G. W, Hergert


Comparative growth of spring-planted canola, brown mustard and camelina, Alexander D. Pavlista, David D. Baltensperger, Terry A. Isbell, and Gary W. Hergert


Gibberellic Acid Sensitivity among Common Bean Cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Alexander Pavlista, Dipak Santra, James Schild, and Gary Hergert


Seed Reduction in Prairie Cordgrass, Spartina pectinata Link., by the Floret-Feeding Caterpillar Aethes spartinana (Barnes and McDunnough), Jarrad R. Prasifka, D. K. Lee, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Allen S. Parrish, and Michael E. Gray


Government Insurance Program Design, Incentive Effects, and Technology Adoption: The Case of Skip-Row Crop Insurance, Joshua D. Woodard, Alexander Pavlista, Gary D. Schnitkey, Paul Burgener, and Kimberley A. Ward



Web-based interventions for weight loss and weight maintenance among rural midlife and older women: protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Patricia A. Hageman, Carol H. Pullen, Melody Hertzog, Linda S. Boeckner, and Susan Noble Walker


A Rare Epidemic of Sugar Beet Seedling Rust in Nebraska, Robert M. Harveson


Determining Optimal Fungicide Timing for Rhizoctonia Root Rot of Sugar Beet in Nebraska Based on Soil Temperatures, Robert M. Harveson, Kathleen A. Nielsen, and C. Clay Carlson


Abiotic Diseases of Dry Beans, Robert M. Harveson, Carlos A. Urrea, and Howard F. Schwartz


Bacterial Wilt of Dry Beans in Western Nebraska, Robert M. Harveson, Carlos A. Urrea, and Howard F. Schwartz


Investigating dietary acculturation and intake among US-born and Thailand/Laos-born Hmong-American children aged 9–18 years, Urvashi Mulasi-Pokhriyal, Chery Smith, and Lisa Franzen-Castle


Planting date and development of spring-seeded irrigated canola, brown mustard and camelina, A. Pavlista; T. Isbell; D. D. Baltensperger; and G. W, Hergert


Adaptability of irrigated spring canola oil production to the US High Plains, Alexander D. Pavlista, Dipak K. Santra, T. A. Isbell, D. D. Baltensperger, Gary W. Hergert, J. Krall, A. Mesbach, J. Johnson, M. O’Neil, R. Aiken, and A. Berrada


Stem-Boring Caterpillars of Switchgrass in the Midwestern United States, Jarrad R. Prasifka, Jennifer E. Buhay, Thomas W. Sappington, Emily A. Heaton, Jeffrey Bradshaw, and Michael E. Gray


Registration of the Chickpea Germplasm PHREC-Ca-Comp. #1 with Enhanced Resistance to Ascochyta Blight, Carlos A. Urrea, David D. Baltensperger, Robert M. Harveson, Glen E. Frickel, and Ann E. Koehler



Descriptions of life-stages of Blastobasis repartella (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae: Blastobasinae) and observations on its biology in switchgrass, D. Adamski, P. J. Johnson, A. A. Boe, Jeffrey Bradshaw, and Alan Pultyniewicz




Ascochyta Blight of Chickpeas, Robert M. Harveson, Samuel G. Markell, Rubella Goswami, Carlos A. Urrea, Mary E. Burrows, Frank Dugan, Weidong Chen, and Linnea G. Skoglund


Integrating Planting Dates and Fungicide Applications for Managing White Mold of Dry Beans in Western Nebraska, Robert M. Harveson, James R. Steadman, and Carlos A. Urrea


Sugar Beet Fertilization, Gary W. Hergert


Symptoms, Distribution and Abundance of the Stem-Boring Caterpillar, Blastobasis repartella (Dietz), in Switchgrass, Jarrad R. Prasifka, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Arvid A. Boe, DoKyoung Lee, David Adamski, and Michael E. Gray


Evaluating the Agronomic Potential of Chickpea Germplasm for Western Nebraska, Carlos A. Urrea


The Development of an Efficient Multipurpose Bean Pod Mottle Virus Viral Vector Set for Foreign Gene Expression and RNA Silencing, Chunquan Zhang, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Steven A. Whitham, and John H. Hill



Regional Study of No-Till Impacts on Near-Surface Aggregate Properties that Influence Soil Erodibility, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Maysoon M. Mikha, J. G. Benjamin, L. R. Stone, A. J. Schlegel, Drew J. Lyon, M. F. Vigil, and P. W. Stahlman


Of Ants and Elephants: Measuring Student Appreciation for Insects and Charismatic Megafauna During an African Safari, Jeffrey Bradshaw and Marlin E. Rice


Evaluating Chickpea Genotypes for Resistance to Ascochyta Blight in Nebraska, Robert M. Harveson, Carlos A. Urrea, and David D. Baltensperger


BEEF SYSTEM METHODS IMPACT BACKGROUNDING AND FINISHING NET RETURN, D. G. Landblom, K. C. Olson, P. Johnson, R. Gates, M. K. Beutler, M. Hubert, S. W. Fausti, G. A. Perry, R. R. Salverson, I. Rush, S. Furman, and J. Vasconcelos


Growing rate of gain on subsequent feedlot performance, meat, and carcass quality of beef steers, B. A. Loken, R. J. Maddock, M. M. Stamm, C. S. Schauer, Ivan G. Rush, S. Quinn, and G. P. Lardy


Development and Feeding of Fall Armyworm on Miscanthus × giganteus and Switchgrass, Jarrad R. Prasifka, Jeffrey Bradshaw, R. L. Meagher, R. N. Nagoshi, K. L. Steffey, and M. E. Gray


Genetic and Molecular Characterization of Vernalization Genes Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, and Vrn-D1 in Spring Wheat Germplasm from the Pacific Northwest Region of the U.S.A., Dipak K. Santra, M. Santra, R. E. Allen, K. G. Campbell, and K. K. Kidwell


Effect of Feeding Melengestrol Acetate, Monensin, and Tylosin on Performance, Carcass Measurements, and Liver Abscesses of Feedlot Heifers, G. E. Sides, R. S. S. Swingle, J. T. Vasconcelos, R. C. Borg, and W. M. Moseley


A Comparison of Melengestrol Acetate Fed at Two Dose Levels to Feedlot Heifers, G. E. Sides, J. T. Vasconcelos, R. C. Borg, O. A. Turgeon, W. C. Koers, M. S. Davis, K. Vander Pol, D. J. Weigel, and C. M. Tucker


Profit Variability for Calf-Fed and Yearling Production Systems, Rebecca Small, Darrell R. Mark, Dillon Feuz, Terry J. Klopfenstein, William Griffin, and Daniel R. Adams


Moving Beyond Weight as the Only Predictor of Breeding Readiness: Using a Breeding Maturity Index, Matthew Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, Richard N. Funston, Leslie Aaron Stalker, and Dillon Feuz


Rapid gains in yield and adoption of new maize varieties for complex hillside environments through farmer participation. II. Scaling-up the adoption through community-based seed production (CBSP), T. P. Tiwari, G. Ortiz-Ferrara, Carlos A. Urrea, R. B. Katuwal, K. B. Koirala, R. C. Prasad, D. B. Gurung, D. Sharma, B. Hamal, B. Bhandari, and M. Thapa


Registration of Great Northern Common Bean Cultivar ‘Coyne’ with Enhanced Disease Resistance to Common Bacterial Blight and Bean Rust, Carlos A. Urrea, James R. Steadman, M. A. Pastor-Corrales, Dale T. Lindgren, and J. P. Venegas


Selection for Drought Tolerance in Dry Bean Derived from the Mesoamerican Gene Pool in Western Nebraska, Carlos A. Urrea, C. Dean Yonts, Drew J. Lyon, and Ann E. Koehler



Evaluation of Management Strategies for Bean Leaf Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Bean Pod Mottle Virus (Comoviridae) in Soybean, Jeffrey D. Bradshaw, Marlin E. Rice, and John H. Hill


Evaluation of Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Inclusion on Performance and Economics of Finishing Beef Steers, C. D. Buckner, T. L. Mader, G. E. Erickson, S. L. Colgan, D. R. Mark, V. R. Bremer, K. K. Karges, and M. L. Gibson


Effects of Concentrate Level and Pen Configuration on Performance of Boer Crossbred Goat Kids, M. E. Corrigan, J. S. Drouillard, E. R. Loe, B. E. Depenbusch, and M. J. Quinn


Areawide Pest Management of Cereal Aphids in Dryland Wheat Systems of the Great Plains, USA, Kristopher Giles, Gary L. Hein, and Frank Peairs


Is Preventative, Concurrent Management of the Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Bean Leaf Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Possible?, Kevin D. Johnson, Matthew E. O'Neal, Jeffrey Bradshaw, and Marlin E. Rice


Interval Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Corky Ringspot Disease Resistance in a Tetraploid Population of Potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum), Dong-Man Khu, Jim Lorenzen, Christine A. Hackett, and Stephen L. Love


Jointed Goatgrass Management with Imazamox-Resistant Cultivars in a Winter Wheat–Fallow Rotation, Andrew R. Kniss, Drew J. Lyon, and Stephen D. Miller


Identification of a candidate gene for the wheat endopeptidase Ep-D1 locus and two other STS markers linked to the eyespot resistance gene Pch1, Jeffrey M. Leonard, Christy J. W. Watson, Arron H. Carter, Jennifer L. Hansen, Robert S. Zemetra, Dipak K. Santra, Kimberly G. Campbell, and Oscar Riera-Lizarazu


Registration of Common Bacterial Blight, Rust and Bean Common Mosaic Resistant Great Northern Common Bean Germplasm Line ABC-Weihing, N. Mutlu, Carlos A. Urrea, Phillip N. Miklas, M. A. Pastor-Corrales, James R. Steadman, Dale T. Lindgren, J. Reiser, Anne K. Vidaver, and D. P. Coyne


Cow Size, Perhaps More Than Just A Production Efficiency Decision, Matthew Stockton, Dillion Feuz, and Roger K. Wilson


Case Study: Nutrient Values of Spring and Summer Annual Forages in a Single Cut Harvest1, B. A. Weichenthal, D. D. Baltensperger, K. P. Vogel, S. D. Masterson, and J. M. Krall



No-Choice Preference of Cerotoma trifurcata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to Potential Host Plants of Bean Pod Mottle Virus (Comoviridae) in Iowa, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Marlin E. Rice, and John H. Hill


Digital Analysis of Leaf Surface Area: Effects of Shape, Resolution, and Size, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Marlin E. Rice, and John W. Hill


Comparison of a Long Yearling System and Calf-fed Performance and Economics, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Dillon M. Feuz, and James C. MacDonald


Effect of Sorting and Feeding Optaflexx on Performance and Economics of Long Yearling Steers, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Dillon M. Feuz, Kyle J. Vander Pol, and Matthew A. Greenquist