Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
Studies from the University of Nebraska Zoological Laboratory
Studies on Nebraska Parasites, Henry B. Ward
Zoology in the High School Curriculum, Henry B. Ward
Note on Taenia confusa, Henry B. Ward
A Biological Examination of Lake Michigan in the Traverse Bay Region, Henry B. Ward
A New Human Tapeworm (Taenia confusa n. sp.), an Entozoon, Probably of Order Cestoidea, Henry B. Ward
Animal Parasites of Nebraska, Henry B. Ward
The Food Supply of the Great Lakes; and Some Experiments on its Amount and Distribution, Henry B. Ward
A New Method for the Quantitative Determination of Plankton Hauls, Henry B. Ward
A Second Case of Distoma westermanni in the United States, Henry B. Ward
On Distoma felineum Riv. in the United States and On the Value of Measurements in Specific Determinations among the Distomes, Henry B. Ward
Report of the Zoologist, Henry B. Ward
The Asiatic Lung-Distome in the United States, Henry B. Ward
The Food Supply of the Fish in the Great Lakes, Henry B. Ward
The Parasitic Worms of Man and the Domestic Animals, Henry B. Ward
On Distoma felineum Riv. in the United States and on the Value of Measurements in Specific Determinations among the Distomes (1895), Henry B. Ward
On the Presence of Distoma westermanni in the United States, Henry B. Ward
Some Notes on the Biological Relations of the Fish Parasites of the Great Lakes, Henry B. Ward
American Work on Cestodes in 1893, Henry B. Ward
A Preliminary Report on the Worms (Mostly Parasitic) Collected in Lakes St. Clair, in the Summer of 1893, Henry B. Ward
On the Parasites of the Lake Fish: Notes on the Structure and Life History of Distoma opacum, n. sp., Henry B. Ward