"Cross-Transmission Studies with <i>Eimeria arizonensis</i>, <i>E. ariz" by John A. Hnida and Donald Duszynski

Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications

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Date of this Version



Published in the Journal of Parasitology (October 1999) 85(5): 873-877. Copyright 1999, the American Society of Parasitologists. Used by permission.


Cross-transmission experiments were done using sporulated oocysts of Eimeria arizonensis from Peromyscus truei and Peromyscus maniculatus, and oocysts of 2 putative species that resemble E. arizonensis, i.e., Eimeria albigulae from Neotoma albigula, and Eimeria onychomysis from Onychomys leucogaster. Oocysts of each species were inoculated into representatives of P. maniculatus and the latter 2 rodent species. Other experiments were conducted wherein oocysts of Eimeria langebarteli from Peromyscus leucopus were given to P. truei and P. maniculatus. Oocysts of E. arizonensis from P. truei and P. maniculatus could be transmitted only to P. maniculatus; likewise, oocysts of E. albigulae and E. onychomysis produced patent infections only in N. albigula and O. leucogaster, respectively. Oocysts of E. langebarteli from P. leucopus could be transmitted to P. truei, but not P. maniculatus. These results indicate that E. arizonensis, and the morphologically similar E. albigulae and E. onychomysis, are distinct species that are not transmissible between the genera of their respective hosts (Peromyscus, Neotoma, Onychomys), and that some isolates of E. langebarteli, reported from 6 species of Peromyscus and Reithrodontomys megalotis, may not always be infective to P. maniculatus.

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