Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of

Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications
Document Type
Date of this Version
January 2000
Introduction • Tables
Parasite-Host Bibliography: Protozoa • Cestoda • Trematoda • Nemata • Aanthocephala • Arthropoda • Acarina-Mite • Acarina-Tick • Copepoda-Crustacea • Insecta-Diptera • Insecta-Hemiptera • Insecta-Mallophaga and Anoplura • Insecta-Siphonaptera • Pentastomida • Class Unknown
Host-Parasite Bibliography: Scientific Name • Common Name
Literature Cited
Theses and Dissertations not Referenced
This bibliographic listing of parasites and hosts reported from Arizona, New Mexico and Texas has been prepared to facilitate literature searches by parasitologists and others needing such information. In the Parasite-Host Bibliography, parasites have been categorized into major taxonomic groups, assigned a number (left column) and listed in alphabetical order for the three states. Those from Arizona have reference numbers (right column) followed by "A", those from New Mexico are followed by "N" with all undesignated being from Texas. In the Host-Parasite Bibliography, hosts have been listed in alphabetical order by their scientific name followed by parasite numbers which can be used to accession the reference by referring to the Parasite-Host section. In some cases, however, the host common names were used in the original publication. These are listed alphabetically in a separate section of the Host- Parasite Bibliography. We sincerely hope there are no errors or omissions. A total of 509 citations are included and 782 hosts and 1,528 parasites are recorded. In addition, two tables summarizing information on helminth parasite geographic distribution and frequency among the major vertebrate hosts are included. In a work of this scope, perfection is difficult, thus, we would appreciate being informed of errors and/or omissions.
Published on the world-wide-web 11 January 2000 on the University of Nebraska Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Web Server.
Copyright (c) 2000 Lillian F. Mayberry, Albert G. Canaris, John R. Bristol, and Scott Lyell Gardner.