Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
Date of this Version
Homonymy between names in the family group may result from similarity, but not identity of the names of their type genera. Such a case involves Serendipa Evenhuis, 1994 and Serendip Brooks and Barriga, 1995. Evenhuis (1994) proposed Serendipa to replace Paratendipes Hong and Wang, 1990 and the Paratendipedidae Hong and Wang, 1990, which had been proposed for P. laiyangensis, a fossil dipteran from Upper Jurassic deposits in China. Evenhuis (1994) reported that Paratendipes Hong and Wang, 1990 was preoccupied by Paratendipes Kieffer, 1911, necessitating the change. Consequently, Paratendipedidae Hong and Wang, 1990 became Serendipidae Evenhuis, 1994.
Published in the Journal of Parasitology (October 1995) 81(5): 762. Copyright 1995, the American Society of Parasitologists. Used by permission.