Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of

Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications
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Panopula cavernossa gen. et sp. n. from the intestine of the brotulid Enchelybrotula (?) paucidens,/i> differs from other members of the Steganodermatinae by having testes near the anterior of the acetabulum, a posttesticular ovary, and a postequatorial acetabulum. Two related species are transferred to the genus Brachyenteron as B. pycnorganum comb. n. and B. spinosum comb. n. Neosteganoderma gillissi sp. n. from the synaphobranchid eel Synaphobranchus bathybius differs from N. glandulosum and N. polymixiae, the most similar species, because conspicuous glandular cells envelop the esophagus and pharynx, others about the genital atrium occur in elongated sacs, epithelium is lacking at the cecal bifurcation, and the cirrus sac is straight. We establish N. infundibulum comb. n. and expand Steganodermatinae to include Brevicreadium congeri and Hudsonia agassizi.
Published in the Journal of Parasitology (October 1977) 63(5): 840-844. Copyright 1977, the American Society of Parasitologists. Used by permission.