Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
Date of this Version
The following trematodes are part of a collection made by the author at Suva, Fiji in 1951.
1. Prosorhynchus squamatus Odhner, 1905 is believed to be distinct from P. crucibulus and most other species in the genus on the basis of its oval-shaped rhynchus. It thus remains, as originally, the type species of the genus.
2. Prosorhynchus thapari n. sp. is described from Plectropoma maculatum (Bloch) from Suva, Fiji. The "P. facilis (Ozaki, 1924)" of Nagaty (1937) is considered to be a synonym.
3. Neidhartia polydactyli n. sp. is described from Polydactylus plebius (Bonnaterre) from Suva, Fiji.
Published in the Thapar Commemoration Volume, 1953, a collection of articles presented to Professor Gobind Singh Thapar on his 60th birthday, pages 193-200. Edited by Jagdeshwari Dayal and Kunwar Suresh Singh. Copyright 1953, University of Lucknow. Used by permission.