Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
Date of this Version
The trematodes described in this paper are but two of over 100 species collected from marine fishes in 1934, during the third G. Allan Hancock Expedition to the Galapagos Islands. The author's presence on this expedition was sponsored in part by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. A brief preliminary report on the trematodes collected has been made (Manter, 1934) and a more complete report on the digenetic forms is in preparation. An early description of these two forms is felt justified in view of their significance in connection with the phylogeny of the Distomata. The author has already indicated (Manter, 1935) a relationship between certain allocreadiid-Iike distomes (Megasolena Linton and Hapladena Linton) and amphistomes. The new genus described below further substantiates such a view and indicates that the Anallocreadiinae in particular may be involved. A discussion of these relationships will follow a description of the new species.
Published in the Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, vol. 2, no. 2: 11-22 & 1 plate (i.e. Plate 2). Copyright 1940, University of Southern California Press. Used by permission. Also published as: Studies from the Zoological Laboratories, the University of Nebraska, no. 191.