Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version



Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res. (1965) 32(1): 7-118.


Used by permission.


1. The nominate subspecies of E. granulosus (Batsch, 1786) is redesignated from the type locality, Europe.

2. Five subspecies of E. granulosus are described from South African carnivores: E. g. granulosus, E. g. africanus, E. g. felidis, E. g. lycaontis and E. g. ortleppi.

3. E. g. granulosus has so far only been recovered from the Transvaal; E. g. ortleppi appears to be restricted to the Transvaal; E. g. africanus occurs in the Orange Free State and the Transvaal; E. g. lycaontis and E. g. felidis like their definitive hosts are restricted to the Transvaal.

4. The domestic dog appears to he the most important source of infestation to domestic livestock.

5. Wild carnivores are important disseminators in various parts of the country; the blackbacked jackal is probably as important as is the domestic dog in sheep rearing areas; the lion and the Cape hunting dog are of importance in restricted areas only; while the importance of the silver fox is negligible.

6. Domestic livestock are the most important source of infestation to carnivores. The role of wild herbivores as disseminators is not known, but they are probably of importance only in restricted areas.
