Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version



Studies from the Institute for Medical Research, Federation of Malaya (1960) No. 29.


Public domain.


This is the third Study of the series from this Institute on the external and internal parasites and the biting insects of the Malaysian region. The earlier two volumes were planned and edited by Dr. J.R. Audy, and on his departure from Malaya in the middle of 1959 Mr. W. W. Macdonald continued the work which had been begun and collated and edited the papers in this present Study.

In the two previous volumes (Study No. 26, 1954 and No. 28, 1957) the emphasis was on the taxonomy of Trombiculid mites. In the present volume the emphasis has changed, and mites are only considered in a few short papers which clarify or complete earlier work. Other parasites must now be considered, and the papers by Dr C. B. Philip on Tabanidae, or horseflies, are, therefore, particularly welcome for these insects have been like studied in Malaya. More space has also been given to mosquitoes and ticks, and it is hoped that the wider scope will increase the interest and value of the series.

Like its predecessors, this volume illustrates the close links between this Institute and the workers in other countries. There is such a wide range of subjects to be investigated in Malaya that we welcome the collaboration of overseas colleagues. We are glad to acknowledge their assistance, and their contributions to the taxonomy of many groups of· parasites have helped to pave the way for future research. Special mention must be made of the close liaison with the United States Army Medical Research Unit (Malaya) stationed at this Institute. This liaison has proved very fruitful, and several of the contributors to this volume are former members of that Unit. In addition, there has been continued collaboration with the Department of Parasitology, University of Malaya, the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Montana, as well as with a number of other Institutes.

Almost all the material on which the Study is based has been collected by the staff of the Division of Medical Zoology, the Division of Entomology, and the United States Army Medical Research Unit. Some of the collectors are mentioned by name in the text, but there are many others whose efforts have contributed to a greater or lesser degree, and it is fitting that they should not go unacknowledged.
