"A Revision of the Calicotylinae Monticelli, 1903 (Monogenea: Monocotyl" by Leslie A. Chisholm, Tom J. Hansknecht et al.

Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version



Systematic Parasitology 38:3 (November 1997), pp. 159–183.

doi: 10.1023/A:1005844306178


Copyright © 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers/Springer. Used by permission.


A total of 153 elasmobranchs (46 species), either freshly collected from the Gulf of Mexico, USA, and Tasmania, Australia, or museum specimens collected from various localities worldwide, were examined for calicotyline (Monocotylidae) monogeneans. Thirty-five elasmobranchs, representing 17 species, were infected with Calicotyle spp. which we identified as the following previously described species: C. asterii (Szidat, 1970) Timofeeva, 1985; C. kroyeri Diesing, 1850; C. macrocotyle Cordero, 1944; C. similis (Szidat, 1972) Timofeeva, 1985; C. splendens (Szidat, 1970) Timofeeva, 1985; C. stossichi Braun, 1899; and C. urolophi Chisholm, Beverley-Burton & Last, 1991. The Calicotylinae, which comprises the genera Calicotyle and Dictyocotyle, is revised based on supplementary material as well as deposited type-material. We consider 14 of the 17 nominal Calicotyle spp. to be valid. C. rosinae Kusnetzova, 1970 is synonymized with C. macrocotyle, C. sjegi Kusnetzova, 1970 is considered a species inquirenda, and C. inermis Woolcock, 1936 a species incertae sedis. Additional data and illustrations to show the morphological features of the hamuli and male copulatory organ, the form of the intestinal caeca, vaginae, and ovary, and the distribution of the vitellarium are provided for all valid species. The distribution of the 14 hooklets in the adult haptor of Dictyocotyle coeliaca Nybelin, 1941 is illustrated for the first time. We provide new host and locality records for C. asterii, C. kroyeri, C. macrocotyle, and C. stossichi and new locality records for C. similis and C. splendens. A key to species of the Calicotylinae is also included. Host-specificity, geographical distribution, and the need for information regarding the development of individuals from juvenile to adult are discussed.

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