Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of

Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications
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Date of this Version
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (1980) 93(4): 1,230-1,238.
Forty-seven stingrays representing 8 species collected in Venezuelan coastal waters were examined for cestode parasites. Specimens of 18 tetraphyllidean, lecanicephalidean, and trypanorhynchan cestode species were collected, 3 described as new. Rhinebothrium margaritense sp. n. from Dasyatis guttata and D. americana most closely resembles R. spinicephalum and R. tetralobatum but differs by having 3-6 rather than only 2 testes per proglottid and a different number of bothridial loculi. Rhodobothrium paucitesticulare sp. n. from Rhinoptera bonasus possesses fewer than half as many testes per proglottid as any other known member of the genus. Dioecotaenia campbelli sp. n. differs from D. cancellata by having 24 rather than 21 bothridial loculi and smaller eggs and embryos. Other collected species include: Acanthobothrium electricolum in Narcine brasiliensis, A. fogeli in Gymnura micrura, Disculiceps sp. and Acanthobothrium tortum in Aetobatus narinari, Tylocephalum sp. and Rhinoptericola megacantha in Rhinoptera bonasus, Rhinebothrium magniphallum and Parachristianella cf. monomegacantha in Himantura schmardae, Acanthobothrium americanum, Phyllobothrium centrurum. Rhinebothrium corymbum and Rhodobothrium pulvinatum in Dasyatis americana, and Acanthobothroides thorsoni, Acanthobothrium tasajerasi, A. urotrygoni, Rhinebothrium magniphallum, and Rhodobothrium pulvinatum in Dasyatis guttata. All represent new locality records, and those species occurring in Dasyatis guttata are reported from that host for the first time.
Copyright 1980, the authors. Used by permission.