Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Producing Grain for Animal, Food, and Industrial Uses

Document Type

Learning Object

Date of this Version



Plant and Soil Sciences eLibrary (PASSeL) Lesson


Copyright © 2013 Steven Mason. Used by permission.

This project was supported in part by the National Research Initiative Competitive Grants CAP project 2011-68002-30029 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, administered by the University of California-Davis and by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Undergraduate Education, National SMETE Digital Library Program, Award #0938034, administered by the University of Nebraska. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the USDA or NSF.


Links to three animations on the topic.

Lesson Animations

Production Practice Influence on Maize Grain Quality

Nitrogen Supply Relationship between Grain Yield and Protein Concentration

Amino Acids and Monogastric Animals


Production Practice Influence on Maize Grain Quality

Nitrogen Supply Relationship between Grain Yield and Protein Concentration

Nitrogen Supply Relationship with Protein Faction, Lysine Concentration, and Kernel Hardness

