"Boron carbide based solid state neutron detectors: The effects of bias" by Nina Hong, John Mullins et al.

Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research


Date of this Version



Published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43:27 (2010), 11 pp. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/43/27/275101


Copyright © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd. Used by permission.


Neutron detection in thick boron carbide(BC)/n-type Si heterojunction diodes shows a threefold increase in efficiency with applied bias and longer time constants. The improved efficiencies resulting from long time constants have been conclusively linked to the much longer charge collection times in the BC layer. Neutron detection signals from both the p-type BC layer and the n-type Si side of the heterojunction diode are observed, with comparable efficiencies. Collectively, these provide strong evidence that the semiconducting BC layer plays an active role in neutron detection, both in neutron capture and in charge generation and collection.
