Shireen Adenwalla Papers | Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Shireen Adenwalla
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0299 United States
Office: 310E Jorgensen Hall
Phone: (402) 472-2709; fax: (402) 472-6148

Dr. Adenwalla's work involves structural characterization of materials, magnetic systems, polymers and the development of solid state neutron detectors.

In collaborations with Professor Ducharme's group, the structural changes of ferroelectric polymers across the ferroelectric transition are being investigated. The crystallinity of these Langmuir-Blodgett deposited polymers allows a study of their crystal structure and other properties usually attributed only to crystalline materials for, for example, the Debye Temperature, a concerted effort is being made to make a definitive measurement of the crystal structure and all possible phonon modes. We are also looking at interlayer coupling between ferroelectric layers of differing transition temperatures. Recent measurements at the Advanced Photon Source in order to look for coupling show initial evidence that such a coupling does indeed exist.
We have been investigating the effect of magnetic anisotropy on the coupling between ferromagnet and an antiferromagnet. Recently, we have investigated the interlayer coupling in out-of-plane magnetized layers separated by an insulating antiferromagnetic spacer and found evidence of oscillatory coupling. We plan to further investigate this phenomena using a variety of techniques, including x-ray magnetic scattering, transport, MOKE, and neutrons. We are also investigating the properties of sub-micron size features of both single layer and multilayer arrays and the effects of size, spacing and shape on the coupling and magnetic properties of these arrays.
In collaboration with Brian Robertson and Peter Dowben, B5C diodes are being developed for use as solid state neutron detectors. Working diodes have been fabricated and are being tested at a TRIGA medical reactor at the VA Medical Center in Omaha. If successful, these could have major implications for neutron detection, in terms of sensitivity, reliability, size and sturdiness.




Surface acoustic waves increase magnetic domain wall velocity, Anil Adhikari and Shireen Adenwalla



SAW assisted domain wall motion in Co/Pt multilayers, Westin Edrington, Uday Singh, Maya Abo Dominguez, James Rehwaldt Alexander, Rabindra Nepal, and Shireen Adenwalla



Ferroelectricity and the phase transition in large area evaporated vinylidene fluoride oligomer thin films, Keith Foreman, Shashi Poddar, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla



The Metal/Organic Interface in Cobalt/Vinylidene Fluoride Heterostructures, Keith Foreman, E Echeverria, Mark A. Koten, R. M. Lindsay, N. Hong, Jeffrey E. Shield, and Shireen Adenwalla


Ferroelectric characterization and growth optimization of thermally evaporated vinylidene fluoride thin films, Keith Foreman, N. Hong, C. Labedz, C. Shearer, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla


Finite-size scaling of flexoelectricity in Langmuir-Blodgett polymer thin films, Shashi Poddar, Keith Foreman, Shireen Adenwalla, and Stephen Ducharme


Local Writing of Exchange Biased Domains in a Heterostructure of Co/Pd Pinned by Magnetoelectric Chromia, Uday Singh, William Echtenkamp, M. Street, Christian Binek, and Shireen Adenwalla


Ferroelectric polymer nanopillar arrays on flexible substrates by reverse nanoimprint lithography, Jingfeng Song, Haidong Lu, Keith Foreman, Shumin Li, Li Tan, Shireen Adenwalla, Alexei Gruverman, and Stephen Ducharme



Fast strain wave induced magnetization changes in long cobalt bars: Domain motion versus coherent rotation, S Davis, J A. Borchers, B B. Maranville, and Shireen Adenwalla



Organic ferroelectric evaporator with substrate cooling and in situ transport capabilities, Keith Foreman, C. Labedz, M. Shearer, and Shireen Adenwalla



Ferroelectric Control of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy at Cobalt/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Interfaces, Pavel Lukashev, Tula R. Paudel, Juan M. López-Encarnación, Shireen Adenwalla, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, and Julian P. Velev


The sweep rate dependence of the electrical control of magnetic coercivity, Abhijit Mardana, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla



Domain size and structure in exchange coupled [Co/Pt]/NiO/[Co/Pt] multilayers, Andrew G. Baruth and Shireen Adenwalla


Ferroelectric Control of Magnetic Anisotropy, Abhijit Mardana, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla



Magnetization dynamics triggered by surface acoustic waves, S. Davis, A. Baruth, and Shireen Adenwalla


Ni doping of semiconducting boron carbide, Nina Hong, Marjorie Langell, Jing Liu, Orhan Kizilkaya, and Shireen Adenwalla


Boron carbide based solid state neutron detectors: The effects of bias and time constant on detection efficiency, Nina Hong, John Mullins, Keith Foreman, and Shireen Adenwalla


Magnetoelectric effects in ferromagnetic cobalt/ferroelectric copolymer multilayer films, Abhijit Mardana, Mengjun Bai, A. Baruth, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla



Enhanced Blocking Temperature and Isothermal Control of Hysteresis Loop Shifts in Co/NiO/[Co/Pt] Heterostructures with Orthogonal Easy Axes, A. Baruth and Shireen Adenwalla


Effects of an external electric field on the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett films, Matt Poulsen, A. V. Sorokin, Shireen Adenwalla, Stephen Ducharme, and V. M. Fridkin



The effect of interlayer interactions on the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition in multilayered thin films of vinylidene fluoride– trifluoroethylene copolymers, Jihee Kim, Hoydoo You, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla


The effect of interlayer interactions on the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition in multilayered thin films of vinylidene fluoride–trifluoroethylene copolymers, Jihee Kim, Hoydoo You, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla



Origin of the interlayer exchange coupling in [Co/Pt]/NiO/ [Co/Pt] multilayers studied with XAS, XMCD, and micromagnetic modeling, Andrew Baruth, D.J. Keavney, John D. Burton, Karolina Janicka, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Lu Yuan, Sy_Hwang Liou, and Shireen Adenwalla


Domain overlap in antiferromagnetically coupled [Co/Pt]/NiO/ [Co/Pt] multilayers, Andrew Baruth, Lu Yuan, John D. Burton, Karolina Janicka, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Sy_Hwang Liou, and Shireen Adenwalla


Electronic structure and vibrational spectra of C2B10-based clusters and films, Kyungwha Park, M. R. Pederson, L. L. Boyer, Wai-Ning Mei, Renat F. Sabirianov, Xiao Cheng Zeng, Satya S. Bulusu, Seamus Curran, James Dewald, Ellen Day, Shireen Adenwalla, Manuel Diaz, Luis G. Rosa, Snjezana Balaz, and Peter A. Dowben



Boron-Rich Semiconducting Boron Carbide Neutron Detector, Andrew D. Harken, Ellen E. Day, Brian W. Robertson, and Shireen Adenwalla


Investigation of Ferroelectricity in Newly Synthesized Nitrile Polymer Systems, Matt Poulsen, Stephen Ducharme, Alexander V. Sorokin, Sahadeva Reddy, James M. Takacs, Y. Wen, Jihee Kim, and Shireen Adenwalla



BORON-CARBIDE SOLID STATE NEUTRON DETECTOR AND METHOD OF USING THE SAME, Peter A. Dowben, Shireen Adenwalla, Brian W. Robertson, and Mengjun Bai


Oscillatory interlayer exchange coupling in [Pt/Co]n/NiO/[Co/Pt]n multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy: Dependence on NiO and Pt layer thicknesses, Z. Y. Liu, Lanping Yue, D. J. Keavney, and Shireen Adenwalla



Ferromagnetic domain-wall behavior during reversal and thermally activated antiferromagnetic reversal in an exchange-biased NiO/NiFe bilayer, Z. Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla


Oscillatory Interlayer Exchange Coupling and Its Temperature Dependence in [Pt/Co]3/NiO/[Co/Pt]3 Multilayers with Perpendicular Anisotropy, Z. Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla


Angular dependence of magnetization reversal process in exchange coupled ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla


Closely linear temperature dependence of exchange bias and coercivity in out-of-plane exchange-biased [Pt/Co] 3/NiO (11 Å) multilayer, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla


Out-of-plane exchange coupling between epitaxial Ni(50 Å) and NiO(600 Å) bilayers, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla


Variation of domain formation in a 15 nm NiFe layer exchange coupled with NiO layers of different thicknesses, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla



Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies of the La0.65Pb0.35MnO3 Perovskite, Camelia Borca, Shireen Adenwalla, Sy-Hwang Liou, Q.L. Xu, J. L. Robertson, and Peter A. Dowben


A class of boron-rich solid-state neutron detectors, B. W. Robertson, Shireen Adenwalla, A. Harken, P. Welsch, Jennifer I. Brand, Peter A. Dowben, and J.P. Claassen



Boron carbide/n-silicon carbide heterojunction diodes, Shireen Adenwalla, P. Welsch, A. Harken, Jennifer I. Brand, A. Sezer, and Brian W. Robertson


Changes in Electron-Phonon Coupling Across a Bulk Phase Transition in Copolymer Films of Vinylidene Fluoride (70%) with Trifluoroethylene (30%), C.N. Borca, Shireen Adenwalla, Jaewu Choi, Lee Robertson, H. You, V.M. Fridkin, S.P. Palto, N. Petukhova, and Peter A. Dowben



The surface terminal layer and composition of the colossal magnetoresistance perovskite: La0.65Pb0.35MnO3, C.N. Borca, Delia Ristoiu, Q.L. Xu, Sy_Hwang Liou, Shireen Adenwalla, and Peter A. Dowben


Magnetic spectroscopy and characterization of La0.65Pb0.35MnO3, M. I. Chipara, Shireen Adenwalla, Peter A. Dowben, Qin Lan Xu, Sy_Hwang Liou, and R. Shoemaker


ESR investigations on Ca perovskite, M. Chipara, Sy-Hwang Liou, C.N. Borca, R. Shoemaker, Shireen Adenwalla, and Peter A. Dowben


Phase transition in the surface structure in copolymer films of vinylidene fluoride (70%) with trifluoroethylene (30%), Jaewu Choi, C.N. Borca, Peter A. Dowben, A. Bune, Matt Poulsen, Shane Pebley, Shireen Adenwalla, Stephen Ducharme, Lee Robertson, V.M. Fridkin, N.N. Petukhova, and S.G. Yudin



Lattice-Stiffening Transition in Copolymer Films of Vinylidene Fluoride (70%) with Trifluoroethylene (30%), C.N. Borca, Shireen Adenwalla, Jaewu Choi, P.T. Sprungerr, Stephen Ducharme, Lee Robertson, S.P. Palto, Jianglai Liu, Matt Poulsen, V.M. Fridkin, H. You, and Peter A. Dowben


Influence of dynamical scattering in crystalline poly„vinylidene, C.N. Borca, Jaewu Choi, Shireen Adenwalla, Stephen Ducharme, Peter A. Dowben, Lee Robertson, V.M. Fridkin, S.P. Palto, and N. Petukhova


Evidence of dynamic Jahn-Teller distortions in two-dimensional crystalline molecular films, Jaewu Choi, Peter A. Dowben, C.N. Borca, Shireen Adenwalla, A.V. Bune, Stephen Ducharme, V.M. Fridkin, S.P. Palto, and N. Petukhova



Magnetic response of FeF2 films on (100) MgO (abstract), Shireen Adenwalla, G. P. Felcher, J. Nogués, and I. K. Schuller


Neutron standing wave resonator to measure the flux line lattice in thin film superconducting samples (abstract), Shireen Adenwalla, E. E. Fullerton, and G. P. Felcher



Polarized-neutron-reflectivity confirmation of 90° magnetic structure in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices, Shireen Adenwalla, G. P. Felcher, Eric E. Fullerton, and S. D. Bader


Suppression of biquadratic coupling at the Cr Néel temperature in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices (invited) (abstract), Eric E. Fullerton, Shireen Adenwalla, G. Felcher, C. H. Sowers, S. D. Bader, J. L. Robertson, and A. Berger



Retrieval of phase information in neutron reflectometry, V.-O. de Haan, A. A. van Well, Shireen Adenwalla, and G. P. Felcher


Characterization of piezoceramic crosses with large range scanning capability and applications for low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, J. A. Helfrich, Shireen Adenwalla, J. B. Ketterson, and G. A. Zhitomirsky


Superparamagnetic relaxation of Fe deposited on MgO(001), Yongsup Park, Shireen Adenwalla, G. P. Felcher, and S. D. Bader



Magnetic response of ultrathin Fe on MgO: A polarized neutron reflectometry study, Shireen Adenwalla, Yongsup Park, G. P. Felcher, and M. Teitelman



Thermodynamics of the UPt3 superconducting phase diagram, Shireen Adenwalla, J. B. Ketterson, S. K. Yip, S. W. Lin, M. Levy, and Bimal K. Sarma


Ultrasonic measurements in superconducting UPt3, Shireen Adenwalla, S.-W. Lin, Z. Zhao, J. B. Ketterson, M. Levy, and Bimal K. Sarma



Critical fields and Landau-Ginzburg parameters of the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3, Zuyu Zhao, F. Behroozi, Shireen Adenwalla, Y. Guan, and J. B. Ketterson



Phase Diagram of UPt3 from Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements, Shireen Adenwalla, S. W. Lin, Q. Z. Ran, Z. Zhao, J. B. Ketterson, J. A. Sauls, L. Taillefer, D. G. Hinks, M. Levy, and Bimal K. Sarma


Resolution of a Doublet Splitting of the Squashing Mode in Superfluid 3He-B, Zuyu Zhao, Shireen Adenwalla, P. N. Brusov, J. B. Ketterson, and Bimal K. Sarma



Measurements of the Pair-Breaking Edge in Superfluid 3He-B, Shireen Adenwalla, Z. Xhao, J. B. Ketterson, and Bimal K. Sarma


Pair breaking edge in superfluid 3He, Shireen Adenwalla, Z. Zhao, J. B. Ketterson, and B. K. Sarma


Ultrasonic attenuation measurements on the heavy fermion superconductor UPt3, B. K. Sarma, M. Levy, A. Schenstrom, Y-J. Qian, M.-F. Xu, Shireen Adenwalla, J. B. Ketterson, Z. Zhao, and D. Hinks


Anisotropy of the Magnetic-Field-Induced Phase Transition in Superconducting UPt3, A. Schenstrom, M-F. Xu, Y. Hong, D. Bein, M. Levy, Bimal K. Sarma, Shireen Adenwalla, Z. Zhao, T. Tokuyasu, D. W. Hess, J. B. Ketterson, J. A. Sauls, and D. G. Hinks


Ultrasonic attenuation measurements in sinter-forged YBa2Cu3O7-b, M-F. Xu, D. Bein, R. F. Wiegert, Bimal K. Sarma, M. Levy, Z. Zhao, Shireen Adenwalla, A. Moreau, Q. Robinson, D. L. Johnson, S.-J. Hwu, K. R. Poeppelmeier, and J. B. Ketterson


Observation of a doublet splitting of the squashing mode in superfluid 3He-B, Z. Zhao, Shireen Adenwalla, P. N. Brusov, J. B. Ketterson, and B. K. Sarma


Ultrasonic velocity anomalies in superconducting sinter-forged YBa2Cu3O7-b, Z. Zhao, Shireen Adenwalla, A. Moreau, J. B. Ketterson, Q. Robinson, D. L. Johnson, S.-J. Hwu, K. R. Poeppelmeier, M-F. Xu, Y. Hong, R. F. Wiegert, M. Levy, and Bimal K. Sarma



Ultrasonic attenuation and velocity investigation of sinter-forged superconducting YBa2Cu3O7, M. Levy, B. K. Sarma, M.-F. Xu, Shireen Adenwalla, Z. Zhao, Q. Robinson, and J. B. Ketterson