Physics and Astronomy, Department of


First Advisor

Matthias Fuchs

Date of this Version


Document Type



Björn Senfftleben, "Angle-Resolved Observation Of X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation In Diamond", Master Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Physics & Astronomy, Under the Supervision of Professor Matthias Fuchs. Lincoln, Nebraska: December, 2017

Copyright © 2017 Björn Senfftleben


This thesis reports angularly-resolved observation of X-ray second harmonic generation (XSHG) in diamond at several phase-matching geometries. The XSHG signal was produced by ultra-short, highly intense X-ray pulses with a photon energy of 9.831 keV generated by a free-electron laser. In some geometries for high pulse energies more than 10 second harmonic photons per pulse were generated.

Different phase-matched geometries were used for XSHG to investigate the angular dependence of the efficiency of the process. Furthermore, for each phase-matching condition, the quadratic dependence for second harmonic generation at each geometry was verified and the crystal rocking curves were measured. The results for the angular dependence of the efficiency are in good agreement with the theory as shown by simulations (done by Priyanka Chakraborti).

Improved interpretations of the data are enabled by a new analysis algorithm (developed within the framework of this thesis) that interprets the detected photon signal using a deeper understanding of the used 2D detector. Further an extensive analysis on established interpretation methods is presented.

Adviser: Matthias Fuchs
