Faculty-led Inquiry into Reflective and Scholarly Teaching (FIRST)
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Shafai Asgarpoor, Jena. "EMGT 901: Total Quality Management Using Six Sigma Techniques" (2019). UNL Faculty Portfolios, 147. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/prtunl/147
Total Quality Management Using Six Sigma Techniques (EMGT 901) is an elective course in the Master of Engineering Management (MEM) Program at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and serves as my Peer Review of Teaching Project (PRTP). This is an elective course in a fully online program. Students in this program have an earned undergraduate degree in engineering and are practicing engineers with at least two years of work experience. In this PRTP I will examine the development and delivery of the course based on pedagogical and backward design considerations and the framework proposed by Quality Matters ®. I will, also, document several items, including: my motivation to participate in Peer Review of Teaching (PRT), relevant information about the course and the MEM program, my choice for course-level objectives, my choice for assessments to determine whether students achieve learning objectives, and my choice for course materials, activities, and technologies which facilitate learning and achievement of objectives. I will examine artifacts and assignments produced by students to determine whether course design, delivery, and teaching practices are effective. Findings reveal that objectives, assessments, and course activities and materials are in alignment with each other. Mid-term survey indicates students believe the course and learning materials and teaching practices are effective and helpful. There is concern about one learning objective (#3) as there is indication that a low percentage of students are meeting that objective. In conclusion, I will discuss what I have learned from this project, and areas for improvements in the course for future offerings.