Faculty-led Inquiry into Reflective and Scholarly Teaching (FIRST)


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Hastings, Lindsay J. "Using Comparative Rating Analysis and Mixed-Method Degree-Of-Change Ratings to Evaluate Graduate-Level Instruction in Leadership Development: ALEC 802 Developing Leadership Capacity in Organizations and Communities" (2020). UNL Faculty Portfolios, 151. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/prtunl/151/


ALEC 802 Developing Leadership Capacity in Organizations and Communities prepares graduate students in leadership studies to become highly skilled at analyzing human systems using leadership as a frame and designing training and development solutions to help those human systems run more effectively. ALEC 802 utilizes a three-tiered case study approach as the primary evaluation mechanism of student proficiency as a professional leadership development specialist. Each case study tier builds upon the previous and offers a gradual reduction in supporting infrastructure. This course portfolio utilized a comparative rating analysis of each case study assignment by learning objective as well as a mixed-method final reflection analysis. The comparative rating analysis revealed important nuanced areas of needed clarification and refinement to assignment instructions and rubrics. The mixed-method final reflection analysis involved pictorial degree-of-change ratings as well as open-ended questions, revealing trending patterns across each learning objectives as well as an opportunity to match trending patterns with contributing course activities.
