Faculty-led Inquiry into Reflective and Scholarly Teaching (FIRST)


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Young, Rebecca A. "AGRO 153 - Soil Resources Online" (2020). UNL Faculty Portfolios, 170. digitalcommons.unl.edu/prtunl/170.


Soil Resources (AGRO 153) is a high enrollment, introductory-level course taken by a diverse range of student majors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), predominantly from the College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources (CASNR). Students that enroll in this course typically span all undergraduate class levels, and a small number of graduate students fulfilling degree requirements or prerequisites. AGRO 153 online is a smaller enrollment section of the course that is often taken by students when (a) the resident sections have closed due meeting maximum capacity, (b) there is a timing conflict within their course schedule, or (c) the student is enrolled in an online program or completing courses remotely. This course portfolio focuses on efforts to improve students’ ability to identify, relate, and describe soil profile characteristics to soil forming factors and processes. It includes a discussion on the development of an interactive lecture video with embedded concept questions, the implementation of pre- and post-surveys to evaluating student learning in association with the video, and comparison of assessments to previous semesters. The results show there was no overall impact on student learning or performance with this new activity, compared to three previous semesters.
