Faculty-led Inquiry into Reflective and Scholarly Teaching (FIRST)


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Piatkowski, Daniel P. "CRPL 495/895: Introduction to Transportation Planning (CRPL 463/863: Land Use and Transportation)" (2021). UNL Faculty Portfolios, 189. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/prtunl/189


This portfolio presents the results of the first year, peer review of teaching process for CRPL 495/895, Introduction to Transportation Planning. The course is split-level course for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, and has been offered at the University of Nebraska Lincoln since 2016. The course is an elective in the Masters of Community and Regional Planning graduate program. The course introduces students to the connections between Transportation and Land Use planning, and their impacts on urban form, health, sustainability, and social justice, and the planning tools available to influence this process. The course also addresses planning for multiple modes of transportation (car, bus, bike, walk) and the implications of transportation planning for health, equity, and sustainability. This portfolio includes the results of two data collection efforts: (i) the student course evaluation administered by the University, and (ii) a survey I created and administered online at the end of the semester. Analysis indicates students are generally happy with the course content, structure, and assessment. However, over the course of the peer review process, I have decided to revise the course learning outcomes and change the focus of the final project. Additionally, the course will transition from an asynchronous online course (offered in this format due to the pandemic) back to an in-person course the next time it is taught. Since the start of the peer review of teaching process, the course now has a new number and name: CRPL 463/863, Land Use and Transportation.
