Faculty-led Inquiry into Reflective and Scholarly Teaching (FIRST)


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Starkey, Sandra. "A Hybridized Class Format for Apparel Product Development ll Studio Course: TMFD 212 Peer Review of Teaching Benchmark Portfolio" (2021). UNL Faculty Portfolios, 194. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/prtunl/194


The benchmark portfolio for TMFD 212, Apparel Product Development ll, provides a broad overview of a studio course in Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design as well as a platform to document and evaluate the transition to a partially on-line hybrid course delivery format. In the past, TMFD 212 had been offered as a studio based in-person course. Due to the University’s restrictions in response to the pandemic, the hybrid format was adopted to accommodate students for classroom participation on one of two scheduled days a week and in response to guidelines for social distancing in the classroom. Three key components will aid in future course planning that could potentially be adopted during non-pandemic semesters. First, the benchmark portfolio serves as a useful tool to help refine the course based on student feedback via three surveys. Second, instructor comments and reflections during the semester are included to add another perspective. Third, average grade comparisons between pre-pandemic and pandemic semester were included to help gauge learning. Additionally, the portfolio will guide the development of a potentially ongoing hybrid format that could be implemented in response to increasing enrollment and limited classroom space during non-pandemic semesters. Based on the information provided in the portfolio it is recommended to continue offering TMFD 212 in a modified hybrid format that combines on-line learning in order to maximize dedicated experiential learning time in the studio.
