Faculty-led Inquiry into Reflective and Scholarly Teaching (FIRST)


Date of this Version

Spring 2022

Document Type



In this portfolio teaching materials, activities, and assessments applied in a Soil Chemistry & Mineralogy” online graduate class are analyzed towards their suitability to achieve learning objectives and class goals. For this, data from class surveys, a decision matrix, and individual student feedback are the main sources of information. The survey revealed that the learning objectives are successfully addressed. Lecture videos, quizzes, exams, scientific paper reading assignments, and a review paper assignment were evaluated to be suitable in achieving these objectives. The developed matrix and individual student feedback suggest that the overall student learning satisfaction would benefit from more activities that center on working on applied problems and thinking questions in groups. Especially weekly zoom meetings but also group assignments could be used to provide more opportunities for interactive learning in an online environment. Based on the identified need to increase overall student satisfaction due to more interactive group work on applied problems it is concluded that the class goal of better enable students to contribute to propose and implement solutions to complex problems by working in teams is less successfully achieved. Here, dedicating more time towards activities that center on solving applied problems or discussion thinking questions will be beneficial. This will also help in better achievement of the class goal that centers on improved demonstration of problem solving based on the sciences in their area of study. Strengthening the strengths and improvements of specific components should help in maximizing the learning outcome for future students in this class.
