Statistics, Department of


The R Journal

Date of this Version


Document Type



The R Journal (December 2012) 4(2)


Copyright 2012, The R Foundation. Open access material. License: CC BY 3.0 Unported


Contributing Articles

What's in a Name? Paul Murrell

It's Not What You Draw, It's What You Don't Draw, Paul Murrell

Debugging grid Graphics, Paul Murrell and Velvet Ly

frailtyHL: A Package for Fitting Frailty Models with H-likelihood, Il Do Ha, Maengseok Noh, and Youngjo Lee

influence.ME: Tools for Detecting Influential Data in Mixed Effects Models, Rense Nieuwenhuis, Manfred te Grotenhuis and Ben Pelzer

The crs Package: Nonparametric Regression Splines for Continuous and Categorical Predictors, Zhenghua Nie and Jeffrey S. Racine

Rfit: Rank-based Estimation for Linear Models, John D. Kloke and Joseph W. McKean

Graphical Markov Models with Mixed Graphs in R, Kayvan Sadeghi and Giovanni M. Marchetti

The State of Naming Conventions in R, Rasmus Bååth

News and notes

Changes in R

Changes on CRA

News from the Bioconductor Project

R Foundation News
