"Integrating Information into Selection" by Loren Berger

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version


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Presented at Range Beef Cow Symposium XXI, December 1-3, 2009, Casper, Wyoming. Sponsored by Cooperative Extension Services and the Animal Science Departments of the University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, South Dakota State University, and the University of Nebraska¬Lincoln.


Berger’s Herdmasters is located on the southern edge of the Sandhills near North Platte, Nebraska and is home to our composite seedstock operation with a base of approximately 350 head. Our business is focused on the production of hybrid bulls consisting of Red Angus X Simmental and Angus X Simmental, plus we do have some high percentage Angus bulls (both Red and Black) that are designed to be used on heifers. Our operation conducts an annual bull sale on the second Saturday in February and continues to see expansion each year. This year’s offering will consist of around 180 bulls sold at auction with an additional 30 head offered private treaty later in the spring. Approximately 95% of the offering is the result of AI and synchronization programs. With the continued success of our sale we rely on the help of several cooperator herds to supply a portion of the sale offering in addition to the bulls produced here at the ranch, These cooperator herds provide genetically similar cattle that compliment our operation very well and allow us to offer superior bulls, selecting the top end from over 1000 head. All bulls are performance tested, semen tested and ultra sounded here at the ranch. We winter the bulls free of charge until April when they are delivered to their new owners.
