Animal Science, Department of
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Opportunities to Control Input Costs - An Iowa Perspective ● Daryl Strohbehn, Extension Beef Specialist, Iowa State University
INTEGRATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ● Rick Rasby & Marshall Frasier, Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska
MATCHING BEEF COW TYPES TO LOW INPUT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ● Jim Gosey, Animal Science Department, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Low Input Growing-Finishing Systems ● Rick Stock, Terry Klopfenstein and Mike Sindt, Animal Science Department, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT PRACTICES ● Stephen K. Barnhart, Extension Agronomist – Forages, Iowa State University
Growth and Response of Pasture Forage to Grazing ● Bruce Anderson, Extension Forage Specialist, University of Nebraska
Optimizing Pasture Utilization Through Intensive Beef Cattle Grazing Management Systems ● Jack C. Whittier and Eugene G. Schmitz, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211
COMPLEMENTARY FORAGE SYSTEMS TO MINIMIZE SUMMER SLUMP ● John Paterson, Monty Kerley, Jerry Lipsey, Greg Aldrich, Kyle Grigsby, James Forwood, Charles Peters and Ken Turner, Animal Sciences Department, University of Missouri
The Effects of Grazing Endopohyte-Infected Fescue on Compensatory Gain of Feedlot Cattle ● Jim Williams, University of Missouri
Beef Cow Cornstalk Grazing ● James R. Russell, Associate Professor of Animal Science, Iowa State University
Stocker Calf Cornstalk Grazing ● Terry Klopfenstein, Brent Vieselmeyer, Nancy Irlbeck, Erasmo Gutierrez-Ornelas, Vic Wilkerson and Rick Stock, Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Stockpiling Systems to Extend the Grazing Season ● Monty S. Kerley, KN. Grigsby and John A. Paterson, Ruminant Nutrition, Animal Sciences Department, University of Missouri
Costs Associated with the Adoption of Practices to Utilize Non-Harvested Forages in Cattle Production ● George H. Pfeiffer, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln