RURALS: Review of Undergraduate Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences | Agricultural Economics Department | University of Nebraska - Lincoln

RURALS: Review of Undergraduate Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences is a faculty-refereed international journal devoted to the publication of high quality research by undergraduates in all agricultural research problem areas including, but not limited, to those described in the USDA, CSREES Manual of Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Research at

Articles are instantly issued upon acceptance. The most recent are listed below. The current volume is Volume 16.


Recent Content


The Effect of Residual Roundup on Showy Milkweed Growth and Cardenolide Production
Katherine G. Klassen, Laurie Dizney, Rylee Mattson, and Estrella Silva


The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Milkweed Growth and its Implications for Western Monarchs
Rylee Mattson, Estrella Silva, Katherine Klassen, and Laurie Dizney


The Effect of Species Diversity and Shade on Milkweed Growth and Cardenolide Concentration
Estrella V. Silva, Rylee Mattson, Katherine Klassen, and Laurie Dizney


Evaluation of Six Personal Care Products for Estrogenic Activity in a Yeast Estrogen Screen.
Daniel Weitzmann, Morgan Eickmeier, Reanna Hornback, Heather Myers, Bethany Plank, Rebecca Stone, Carlos Villarreal, and Irina Weitzmann


Instrumental Quality Attributes of Alaska Pollock Derived Surimi Gels with Sweet Potato Starch
Kiyonna Williams, Zandra Mikell, Samuel Chetachukwu Adegoke, and Reza Tahergorabi


Bridging the information gap between beginning and experienced farmers
McKayla R. Robinette, Maureen K. Drinkard, and Gina Raicovich


Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Effluent from Aerobic Treatment Units
Sarah Deeb, Tamylles Souza da Costa, Zahaan Eswani, and Christopher Struchtemeyer


An Examination of the Use of Pesticides in Puerto Rican Agriculture
Xiomara B. Santiago Dr., Desiree Rivera, Agnes Pabon, and Arnaldo Garcia


Food Safety Education Cube for Native Americans
Kelsey Crews Bair, Rachel C. Sinley, and Julie A. Albrecht


Influence of Pasture Management Regimes on the Abundance of Four Target Beetle Groups
Christina Doehling, Frederick Baxendale, Tiffany Heng-Moss, and Walter Schacht


Misting Effects of the Microbial Quality of Retail Leaf Lettuce
Rachel Rossman, David Giraud, and Julie A. Albrecht


Performance of Mapping-Grade GPS Receivers in Southeastern Forest Conditions
Michael D. Ransom, James Rhynold, and Pete Bettinger


Storage and breakdown of starch aid P. parviflorus in leaf re-greening after nitrogen deficiency
Kevin A. Korus, M. Elizabeth Conley, Erin E. Blankenship, and Ellen T. Paparozzi


Analysis of Green Roof Growing Media Porosity
Kelsey Latshaw, Jay Fitzgerald, and Richard Sutton


Incidence of Salmonella on Reptiles in the Pet Trade
Casey R. Cain, Drew Tyre, and Dennis Ferraro


Determination of Biofilms on Plastic Cutting Boards
Kristen Neth, David Girard, and Julie A. Albrecht


Weed Response to Broadcast Flaming
Andre C. Domingues, Santiago M. Ulloa, Avishek Datta, and Stevan Z. Knezevic


Corn (Zea mays) and Soybean (Glycine max) Tolerance to Broadcast Flaming
Teixeira Z. Heverton, Santiago Ulloa, Avishek Datta, and Stevan Z. Knezevic


Inhibition of Mold Growth by Sourdough Bread Cultures
Pei Ven Kam, Andreia Bianchini, and Lloyd B. Bullerman


Dry Bean Intake of Women Ages 19-45
Julie Eihusen and Julie A. Albrecht


Estimation of Heat Transfer Coefficients of Cooked Boneless Ham
Kimberly Ryland, Lijun Wang, Alejandro Amézquita, and Curtis L. Weller


Development of a System for Directed Evolution of Arabidopsis Formate Dehydrogenase to Utilize NADP as a Cofactor
Brittany L. Prather, Joshua R. Widhalm, John Markwell, and Patricia L. Herman