Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Date of this Version



Copyright 2019 Paul Royster.

CC-BY license.


As requested, I have put down some notes on the methods and rules for typesetting and page composition of scholarly journals, articles, and books. These are intended to aid in the production of professional-looking digital documents of an academic nature. Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software, often marketed as part of Adobe Creative Suite. This is a short, 6-page do's and don'ts on achieving a classical scholarly page design. Library publishers may wish to consult and agree or disagree with the thoughts expressed. Three sample templates are attached that may be used and adapted by those who wish.

MANTER 000.indd (1736 kB)
InDesign template for Manter journal

tnas sample.indd (932 kB)
InDesign template for Trans Neb Acad Sci

MS Template 02.indd (968 kB)
1-column 8.5x11 page template
