Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Date of this Version
Goudarzi, Saman, & Dunks, Richard. (2023). Defining Open Scholarly Infrastructure: A Review of Relevant Literature (Version 2). Zenodo.
This report outlines IOI’s initial attempt towards a framework for understanding open infrastructure for research and scholarship. For this report, we examined a body of literature that includes works across the fields of anthropology, scholarly communications, international development studies, science and technology studies, and infrastructure studies. ....
This review also makes clear that the distinguishing feature between open infrastructure and its commercially-run and -operated counterparts is the fact that its value lies not just in its ability to support productive functions but how it fosters positive and desirable social practices and values. It is insufficient to simply assert certain values without demonstrating those values are embodied in the infrastructure service that is being provided. The actions must match the words to ensure a truly healthy and viable ecosystem of open infrastructure services.
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Intellectual Property Law Commons, Scholarly Communication Commons, Scholarly Publishing Commons
This report is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.