Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Used at the 2017 Nebraska ACRL Scholarly Communication Roadshow on July 12, 2017 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Presenters: Will Cross, Jaron Porciello, and Elizabeth Brown.


Copyright 2017, the author. Licensed open access material.


Excerpt from the slides and presenter's notes:

Helps us see the lifecycle of research - why and how We have a lot of knowledge in this space because we know the resources and systems impact is based on -- we can act as thought leaders.

Scholarly communication cycle involves “evaluating research and other scholarly writings for quality” (ARL, 2013).

Librarians have always been part of the “impact” conversation from the perspective of the ways in which we help people. We provide budding researchers with access to seminal ideas in the field and help established researchers keep current with new information and ideas. We’ve provided recommendations to readers and developed magazines and services in order to promote particular books in particular genres.

Awareness of impact in the scholarly impact can help: Strengthen the case for promotion or tenure / Quantify return on research investment for grant renewals and progress reports / Strengthen future funding requests by showing value of research / Understand an audience and learn how to appeal to them / Identify who is using the work and confirm that it is appropriately credited Identify collaborators within or outside of the subject area / Manage reputation.
