Interviewer Workshop, 2019: Interviewers and Their Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective | Sociology, Department of | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The 2019 Interviewer Workshop focused on survey interviewers and their effects on total survey error. It brought together an international group of leading academic, government, and industry researchers and practitioners for an intense discussion of interviewer-related research. The three-day workshop took place February 26-28, 2019, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States.

Workshop organizers included:

Kristen Olson,
Jennifer Dykema
Allyson Holbrook
Frauke Kreuter
Jolene Smyth
Brady West

To meet the goals of the workshop, participation in the workshop discussion was by invitation only.

Funding for the workshop was provided by the National Science Foundation (SES-1758834), the Charles Cannell Fund for Survey Methodology, and the Rensis Likert Fund in Research in Survey Methodology.




Chapter 14: Explaining Interviewer Effects on Survey Unit Nonresponse: A Cross-Survey Analysis. Appendix 14, Daniela Ackermann-Piek, Julie M. Korbmacher, and Ulrich Krieger


Chapter 11: Virtual Interviewers, Social Identities, and Survey Measurement Error. Appendix 11, Frederick Conrad, Michael Schober, Daniel Nielsen, and Heidi Reichert


Chapter 21: Modeling Interviewer Effects in the National Health Interview Survey. Appendix 21, James Dahlhamer, Aaron Maitland, Benjamin Zablotsky, and Carla Zelaya


Chapter 4: How to Conduct Effective Interviewer Training: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Appendix 4, Jessica Daikeler and Michael Bosnjak


Chapter 6: Behavior Change Techniques for Reducing Interviewer Contributions to Total Survey Error Appendix 6, Brad Edwards, Hanyu Sun, and Ryan Hubbard


Chapter 18: Response Times as an Indicator of Data Quality: Associations with Question, Interviewer, and Respondent Characteristics in a Health Survey of Diverse Respondents. Appendix 18, Dana Garbarski, Jennifer Dykema, Nora Cate Schaeffer, and Dorothy Farrar Edwards


Chapter 10: Unintended Interviewer Bias in a Community-based Participatory Research Randomized Control Trial among American Indian Youth Appendix 10, Patrick Habecker and Jerreed Ivanich


Chapter 17: Exploring the Antecedents and Consequences of Interviewer Reading Speed (IRS) at the Question Level. Appendix 17, Allyson L. Holbrook, Timothy P. Johnson, Evgenia Kapousouz, and Young Ik Cho


Chapter 5: Exploring the Mind of the Interviewer: Findings from Research with Interviewers to Improve the Survey Process Appendix 5, Robin Kaplan and Erica Yu


Chapter 19: Accuracy and Utility of Using Paradata to Detect Question-Reading Deviations. Appendix 19, Jennifer Kelley


Chapter 22: A Comparison of Different Approaches to Examining Whether Interviewer Effects Tend to Vary Across Different Subgroups of Respondents. Appendix 22A, Geert Loosveldt and Celine Wuyts


Chapter 9: Why do Interviewers Vary in Achieving Interview Privacy and Does Privacy Matter? Appendix 9, Zeina N. Mneimneh, Julie A. de Jong, and Yasmin A. Altwaijri


Chapter 20: What do interviewers learn? Changes in interview length and interviewer behaviors over the field period. Appendix 20, Kristen M. Olson and Jolene Smyth


Chapter 12: Differences in interaction quantity and conversational flow in CAPI and CATI interviews. Appendix 12, Yfke Ongena and Marieke Haan


Chapter 16: Investigating the Use of Nurse Paradata in Understanding Nonresponse to Biological Data Collection. Appendix 16, Fiona Pashazadeh, Alexandru Cernat, and Joseph W. Sakshaug


Chapter 3: General Interviewing Techniques: Developing Evidence-Based Practices for Standardized Interviewing Appendix 3, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Jennifer Dykema, Steve M. Coombs, Rob K. Schultz, Lisa Holland, and Margaret L. Hudson


Chapter 13: Interacting with interviewers in text and voice interviews on smartphones. Appendix 13, Michael F. Schober, Frederick G. Conrad, Christopher Antoun, Alison W. Bowers, Andrew L. Hupp, and H. Yanna Yan


Chapter 7: Statistical Identification of Fraudulent Interviews in Surveys: Improving Interviewer Controls Appendix 7, Silvia Schwanhäuser, Joseph W. Sakshaug, Yuliya Kosyakova, and Frauke Kreuter


Chapter 8: Examining the Utility of Interviewer Observations on the Survey Response Process. Appendix 8, Brady T. West, Ting Yan, Frauke Kreuter, Michael Josten, and Heather Schroeder



Explaining Interviewer Effects on Survey Unit Nonresponse: A Cross-Survey Analysis, Daniela Ackermann-Piek, Annelies G. Blom, Julie M. Korbmacher, and Ulrich Krieger


Scientific Network of Experts: Interviewer Effects and Interviewer Training, Daniela Ackermann-Piek and Joe Sakshaug


Examining Interviewer Effects on the Agricultural Labor Survey: A Mixed-Methods Approach, David Biagas, Emilola Abayomi, Joseph Rodhouse, and Heather Ridolfo


Effects of Innovative Motivational Strategies and New Staffing Model on Interviewer Attrition: A Data Collection Year in Review, Theresa Camelo and Maureen O’Brien


Race-of-Virtual-Interviewer Effects, Frederick Conrad, Michael Schober, Daniel Nielsen, and Heidi Reichert


General Interviewing Techniques: Developing Evidence-Based Practices, Steve Coombs, Margaret Hudson, Lisa Holland, Nora Cate Schaeffer, and Jennifer Dykema


Modeling Interviewer Effects in a Large National Health Study, James Dahlhamer, Aaron Maitland, Benjamin Zablotsky, and Carla Zelaya


How to Conduct Effective Interviewer Training: A Meta-Analysis, Jessica Daikeler


Behavior Change Techniques for Reducing Interviewer Contributions to Total Survey Error, Brad Edwards


Do You Need a Foot-in-the-Door or Is A Toe Enough? Scripting Introductions That Induce Tailoring and Increase Participation in Telephone Interviews, Kim Ethridge, Matt Jans, Matthew D. McDonough, Sam Vincent, Jamie Dayton, Naomi Freedner, Randal ZuWallack, Josh Duell, Don Allen, Dan Bertuna, Lew Berman, Mark Serafin, Kristin Reichl, Anneke Jansen, and Wendi Gilreath


Let’s Talk About Money! How Do Interviewer Expectations Affect Item Nonresponse to Income and Asset Questions?, Sabine Friedel


Response Times as an Indicator of Data Quality: Associations with Interviewer, Respondent, and Question Characteristics in a Health Survey of Diverse Respondents, Dana Garbarski, Jennifer Dykema, Nora Cate Schaeffer, and Dorothy Farrar Edwards


Unintended Interviewer Bias in a Community-based Participatory Research Randomized Control Trial among American Indian Youth, Patrick Habecker and Jerreed Ivanich


Modelling Group-Specific Interviewer Effects on Nonresponse Using Separate Coding for Random Slopes in Multilevel Models, Jessica M. E. Herzing, Annelies G. Blom, and Bart Meuleman


Antecedents and Consequences of Interviewer Pace: Assessing Interviewer Speaking Pace at the Question Level, Allyson L. Holbrook, Timothy P. Johnson, Evgenia Kapousouz, and Young Ik Cho


Developing a Quality Control Protocol for Evaluation of Recorded Interviews, Margaret Hudson, Lisa Holland, and Lisa Lewandowski-Romps


Audio Recordings in Face-to-Face Interviews as a Means to Detect Undesirable Interviewer Behavior, Birgit Jesske


Exploring the Mind of the Interviewer: Findings from Research with Interviewers to Improve the Survey Process, Robin Kaplan and Erica Yu


The Accuracy and Utility of Using Paradata to Detect Interviewer Question-Reading Deviations, Jennifer Kelley


nvestigating the Utility of Interviewer Observations on the Survey Response Process, Frauke Kreuter, Brady West, Ting Yan, Michael Josten, and Heather Schroeder


Comparison of Different Approaches to Evaluate and Explain Interviewer Effects, Geert Loosveldt and Celine Wuyts


The Cannell Legacy, Nancy A. Mathiowetz and Peter V. Miller


Interviewer Variation in Third Party Presence During Face-to-Face Interviews, Zeina N. Mneimneh, Julie de Jong, and Jennifer Kelley


Analysing the Influence of Non-Observable and Observable Interviewer Characteristics on Measurement Error: Evidence from Zambia, P. Linh Nguyen


What Do Interviewers Learn? Changes in Interview Length and Interviewer Behaviors Over the Field Period, Kristen Olson and Jolene Smyth


Questions Administered by Telephone or In Person: Differences in Interviewer-Respondent Interactions, Yfke Ongena and Marieke Haan


Investigating the Use of Nurse Paradata in Understanding Nonresponse to Biological Data Collection, Fiona Pashazadeh, Alexandru Cernat, and Joseph W. Sakshaug


Did The Respondent Really Mean That? How the Behaviors Of CATI Interviewers And Data Editors Impact Measurement and Processing Errors In Establishment Surveys, Joseph Rodhouse, Heather Ridolfo, Emilola Abayomi, and David Biagas


How Customization Affects Survey Interaction, Antje Rosebrock and Malte Schierholz


Interviewer Effects on Data Quality: Does Interviewer Experience Favor Completions Over Quality?, Megan M. Ruxton and Rodney Muilenburg


General Interviewer Techniques: Developing Evidence-Based Practices for Standardized Interviewing, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Jennifer Dykema, Steve M. Coombs, Rob K. Schultz, Lisa Holland, and Margaret Hudson


Interacting with Interviewers in Voice and Text Interviews on Smartphones, Michael Schober, Frederick Conrad, Christopher Antoun, Alison W. Bowers, Andrew L. Hupp, and H. Yanna Yan


Interviewer Falsification in Survey Research: Detection Methods and Impact of Fraudulent Interviews, Silvia Schwanhäuser, Joseph Sakshaug, Yuliya Kosyakova, and Frauke Kreuter


Can Paradata Predict Interviewer Effects?, Sharan Sharma


Humans vs. Machines: Comparing Coding of Interviewer Question-Asking Behaviors Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Human Coders, Jerry Timbrook and Adam Eck


Implementing a Case Ownership Model with Telephone Interviewers, Jamie Wescott


Designing Studies for Comparing Interviewer Variance Components in Two Groups of Survey Interviewers, Brady T. West


Exploring the Impact of Interviewer Perceptions and Interviewer-Respondent Interactions on the Survey of Income and Program Participation: Analysis of CARI recordings, Erica Yu, Rodney L. Terry, Alina Kline, Holly Fee, and Robin Kaplan