Sociology, Department of


Date of this Version


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Presented at “Interviewers and Their Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective Workshop,” University of Nebraska-Lincoln, February 26-28, 2019.


Copyright 2019 by the authors.


Due to high staff attrition and its negative effects on data collection and project cost, a large national study implemented motivational strategies and a new staffing model for the current data collection year. Motivational strategies included retention bonuses, organization gear, and other personalized recognitions. The new staffing model included both a change in weekly hour requirements as well as the number of interviewers staffed in each area. New staff, committed to 20 hours per week, were added to approximately half of the sampling areas with already existing 30 hour per week staff. Two Interviewers were now working a single area, as opposed to one interviewer per area. If one Interviewer were to become inactive, there would be one remaining Interviewer.

The initial effects of these motivational strategies and new staffing model on key production indicators as well as project budget, interviewer attrition, performance, morale, have been positive. One initial effect has been a slower rate of attrition. The overall impact of these motivational innovations and new staffing model on key data collection indicators will continue to be monitored and evaluated, and will be discussed.
