"Caught in the Tractor Beam of Larger Influences: The Filtration of Inn" by Justin Olmanson, Fitsum Abebe et al.

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Olmanson, J., Abebe, F., Jones, V., Kyle, E., Lucas, L., Robbins, K., Rouamba, G., Liu, X. (2015). Caught in the Tractor Beam of Larger Influences: The Filtration of Innovation in Education Technology Design. In ICEDT 2015 (Vol. 9 (7), pp. 1838–1842). Oslo, Norway: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.


An open access journal.


While emerging technologies continue to emerge, research into their use in learning contexts often focuses on a subset of educational practices and ways of using technologies. In this study we begin to explore the extent to which educational designs are influenced by larger societal and education-related factors not usually explicitly considered when designing or identifying technology-supported education experiences for research study. We examine patterns within and between factors via a content analysis across ten years and 19 different journals of published peer-reviewed research on technology-supported writing. Our findings have implications for how researchers, designers, and educators approach technology-supported educational design within and beyond the field of writing and literacy.
