Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


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Olmanson, J., Katrina S. Kennett, & Cope, B. (2015). The Techno-Pedagogical Pivot: Designing and Implementing a Digital Writing Tool. In ICEDT 2015 (Vol. 9 (7), pp. 1843–1846). Oslo, Norway: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Retrieved from


In educational technology, the idea of innovation is usually tethered to contemporary technological inventions and emerging technologies. Yet, using long-known technologies in ways that are pedagogically or experientially new can reposition them as emerging educational technologies. In this study we explore how a subtle pivot in pedagogical thinking led to an innovative education technology. We describe the design and implementation of an online writing tool that scaffolds students in the evaluation of their own informational texts. We think about how pathways to innovation can emerge from pivots, namely a leveraging of longstanding practices in novel ways has the potential to cultivate new opportunities for learning. We first unpack Infowriter in terms of its design, then we describe some results of a study in which we implemented an intervention which included our designed application.
