Theatre and Film, Johnny Carson School of
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My thesis show, Paragon Springs, is a play based on An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen. My first reading of the show leads me to hope that this undertaking will be profitable for all concerned. Paragon Springs, like the Ibsen play on which it is based, takes place in more than one location. This will contribute to my chances of having a set that might be a little more complicated and challenging than a basic unit set. My first concern was staging the show in the Studio and knowing we would have a smaller budget than shows on the Howell stage. Budgetary limitations affect not only the creativity of the scenic designer but also me, who would be left with a very basic set to build.
My greatest concerns about the process of working on Paragon Springs are as follows: I want to have plenty for my students in the shop to build. I want the final set to look as professional as possible. If I do my job well, I will keep the process organized, keep the lines of communication open and have a great thesis project. In the end, it is not the set design itself that makes or breaks a great thesis show. It is instead how well I fulfill my duties as a Technical Director to the best of my abilities. All shows, large and small, need an organized, efficient and communicative Technical Director to make the production a success. That will be my main goal during this Thesis project. I aim to make this production a success.
Advisor: Edward Stauffer
A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Fine Arts, Major: Theatre Arts, Under the Supervision of Professor Edward Stauffer. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Christine Ann Donaghy