Theatre and Film, Johnny Carson School of


First Advisor

JD Madsen

Second Advisor

Michelle Harvey

Third Advisor

Jamie Bullins

Date of this Version


Document Type



A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts

Major: Theatre Arts

Under the supervision of Professor JD Madsen

Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2024


Copyright 2024, Anna K. Schwartz. Used by permission


This thesis presents a comprehensive exploration of the scenic design process through a case study of the production "Big Fish the Musical" at the Nebraska Repertory Theatre. Drawing on firsthand experience as the scenic designer for the production, the author delves into the multifaceted journey of conceptualizing, designing, and executing the scenic elements of the show. The thesis examines the collaborative nature of the scenic design process, highlighting the interactions between the scenic designer, director, technical team, and other creative collaborators. Key aspects explored include the initial conceptualization phase, the iterative design process, the challenges, and discoveries encountered during rehearsals and load-in, and the ultimate realization of the scenic vision on stage. Through reflections on design choices, logistical considerations, and problem-solving strategies, this thesis offers insights into the complexities and nuances of scenic design in contemporary theatre production. Additionally, the case study provides valuable lessons and practical implications for aspiring scenic designers and theatre practitioners navigating the intricacies of the scenic design process.

Advisor: JD Madsen
