"Research in Contemporary Painting" by Sutton Allen

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type



UReCA: The NCHC Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity: http://www.nchc-ureca.com/


Copyright @ by the author.


With these works I am exploring the boundaries of contemporary image-making and oil painting, beginning with traditional paint application approaches such as grisailles, glazes, and scumbles, and ending with materials such as plaster, spray paint, and various chemicals. These images come from various mass media sources such as Google, The New York Times, and CNN. In making these paintings I have created and destroyed several times over the images that compose them in order to emulate the actual world of unknowing and falsehoods. Most importantly, I intend for these works to expand the overall vocabulary of painting and reestablish the grandeur that painters of the past could not do without.
