National Collegiate Honors Council
UReCA: The NCHC Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity
UReCA was first conceived by Johnny MacLean (Southern Utah University) and Brian White (Graceland University) at an annual NCHC conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Their vision: an international undergraduate journal, peer reviewed and produced for the web by an interdisciplinary community of honors students. Our mission is to curate relevant, progressive and academic content that appeals to the undergraduate student. UReCA is sponsored by the National Collegiate Honors Council, and is currently managed, edited and produced by a team of ten undergraduate students from three different regions and a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Though diverse, we share a common goal: the production of a prestigious national journal, for honors students, by honors students.
“In Between The Virgin and The Whore”: Decentering the Cultural Paradigms of The Virgin of Guadalupe and La Malinche in Four Writers, Miren Neyra Alcántara
Queer Refugee Experience: An Inquiry into the Studies of Transnationalism and its Relationship to the Livelihood of Syrian Refugees who Identify as LGBTQ+ and have Migrated to Turkey, Anne Frances Bennett
Molecular Genetic Modifications in the Human Genome: Racial Discrimination as a Biological Stressor, Nicolette Dobson
WHAT ISN'T THERE: Four Poets and the Art of Absence, Petra Ellerby
Controlling Wickedness: The Journey to Penal Reform and the First Prison Systems in New York and Pennsylvania from 1820-1840, Joseph Antonio Flores
Uproot, Jake Gentry
Adolescent Literature & Intersectional Oppression, Zacharia Jefferson Macneal Cross
The Maiden of the Lost, Jeneva Grace Midgett
The Effect of News Format and Personal Relevance on Affect, Sophia R. Morrow, Hannah M. Hood-Johnson, Brianna L. Scandell, Matthew P. Newman, and Grace E. Fink
Adventures in the Drawing Room: The Ambiguity, Exoticism, and Artifice of the Bourgeois Parisienne in Alfred Stevens’ The Visit, Piper Prolago
Racial Consciousness, Uplift, and Justice in Harlem Renaissance Poetry, Alexandria E. Schultz
Fried Egg, Mercury-Marvin Sunderland
Two (2) Slices of Baloney, Mercury-Marvin Sunderland
Them Ribbons Were Gold, Lucas Thompson
My Mother's Golem, Amanda VanNierop
Research in Contemporary Painting, Sutton Allen
Palinoia, Jill Bond
Behind the Gavel and Under the Robe: Gender Performance in the Courthouse, Sonia Bosch
Tears of a Jester, Anjali Chacko
Utopia and Contemporary Human Society: A Model for Sustainable Continuance, David Blake Corman
To what extent does Transcendental Meditation (TM) relieve symptoms in patients with PTSD?, Sanya Dhami
Consanguinity on the Canvas: Studying Inbreeding in the Habsburg Dynasty through Portraits, Megan Dillion
Free to Hate: Can We Justify Curbing Hateful Speech?, Logan Drake
Painting the Negative Space: How Faulkner Silhouettes the Living Ghost of Flem Snopes, Jessica Fanczi
Golden Honey, Dom Fonce
Who was Che Guevara?, Kaleb Harkins
Walking with Helen, Carter Johnson
Another Apocalypse, Jared Kohn
She Asks For Something Hopeful, Alexander Lane
Flawed and Formidable: Galadriel, Éowyn, and Tolkien’s Inadvertent Feminism, Rachel Maddox
1 in 4, Audrey Miklitsch
Burger Reward, Spencer Patterson
Application of the Modified Finite Difference Method to the 1-D Schrödinger Equation, Trevor A. Robertson and Jay Wang
Lyrics for Magnolia, too, Sreyash Sarkar
Bridging Aesthetic Theory: Comparing Scottish Enlightenment Theories to Modern Neuroscience Evidence, Calen Smith
Closet Land: Combining Theatre and Film for a Psychological Thrill, Ashley Snead and Janet Hayatshahi
Conservative Colonization: An Ethical Analysis of Galactic Expansion, Parker Vesely
Health is Wealth: Behavioral Economic "Nudges" Applied to Health Care, Cameron Watts
Educating the Outsiders: The Importance of Social Support in the Success of Latino Undocumented Students, Emily Adkins
UReCA, the NCHC Web journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Kaycee Anderson, Mikayla Conway, Mackenzie Cope, Caleb Deane, Leah Koch, Ryan Schlom, Rebekah Assid, Olivia George, Josh Freeman, Grace McPherson, Kate Mobley, Zeke Starr, Russell Helms, Johnny Maclean, and Brian White
Each and Every Minute, Jacob Boles
Cage's Dungeon, Gage Bradley, Brett Hall, and Sam Troncin
The Mechanics of Scientific Belief, Michael Cook
Honors Program Induction: Fitting into a Community that is Born to Stand-Out, Jennifer Drew
Moving Foward with Family Centered-Care: One Step at a Time, Adrianne Nicole Dunbar
A Cultural, Economic, and Industrial Analysis of the Republic of Poland and its Financial Services Industry, Jeremy Eberly
Temporary Meddlers: Friars in Measure for Measure and Romeo and Juliet, Sarah Friedman
Aluminum Analysis of Water at Columbia College, Dung Golden
Jargons and Pidgins and Creoles, Oh My!, Emily Gray
The Physics Behind Garage Door Springs, Tal Joseph
Cultural support in nursing, Sabine Knoppke-Wetzel
"My Paintings Would Be No Different than a Picture in a Biology Textbook", Andi Kur
“Northern Spy”, Anne Livingston
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury on YouTube: A Content and Comment Analysis, Nathan Lowry and Carol Ewert
A Sliding Scale: Nuclear Proliferation Among States, Jessica Lui
Connexin-43 and Traumatic Brain Injury: A potential target for therapeutic intervention, Lauren R. Moore
The Use of Simpson’s Diversity Index to Develop a Diverse Community for the Enrichment of Experiential Learning, Quinn Nguyen
Mixed Media Collection, Jacob Smith
Confronting Internalized Transphobia My Own and Society's, Kaci Sullivan
Secret-Keeper, Cassandra Zimmerman
Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity VOLUME ONE
Educating the Outsiders: The Importance of Social Support in the Success of Latino Undocumented Students, Emily Adkins
Each and Every Minute, Jacob Boles
Cage's Dungeon, Gage Bradley, Brett Hall, and Sam Troncin
The Mechanics of Scientific Belief, Michael Cook
Honors Program Induction: Fitting into a Community that is Born to Stand-Out, Jennifer Drew
Moving Forward with Family Centered-Care: One Step at a Time, Adrianne Dunbar
Movement(s) in Dialogue: Kaleidoscope and the Discourse of Underground News, Jeb Ebben
Movements in Dialogue: Kaleidoscope and the Discourse of Underground News, Jeb Ebben
“Where Words Fail, Music Speaks”: The Experience of Adapting Literature to Music, Laney J. Fowle
“Where Words Fail, Music Speaks”: The Experience of Adapting Literature to Music, Laney J. Fowle, Kyle Bishop, and Matthew Nickerson
Jargons and Pidgins and Creoles, Oh My!, Emily Gray
Symptoms of the Virus, Emily Haase
Evolutionary Explanation for Invasive Abilities of Centaurea stoebe (spotted knapweed) in Introduced Areas, Erin Koren
"My Paintings Would Be No Different than a Picture in a Biology Textbook", Andi Kur
A Sliding Scale: Nuclear Proliferation Among States, Jessica Liu
Connexin-43 and Traumatic Brain Injury: A potential target for therapeutic intervention, Lauren R. Moore
"So Dead and Bald" Destroys the World: A Psychological Critique of Object Metamorphosis in Infinite Jest's Game of Eschaton, R. Christian Phillips
"So Dead and Bald" Destroys the World: A Psychological Critique of Object Metamorphosis in Infinite Jest's Game of Eschaton, R. Christian Phillips
Of Love and Other Ills, Enrique Quezada
Dollhouse, Samantha Richardson
Godspeed, Noah Rucker
The "G" Word, Ariane Schaffer
Palm Epiphyll Cover Shifts to Higher Elevations in Tropical Cloud Forest, Indicating Local Climate Change, Maya Spaur
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing: An Analysis on the Role of the United Nations during the Bosnian War, Iman Zekri